People who complains about



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    What ever this is not unusual and is a personal choice it returns results and it dose not leave me hungry or starving. I'll tell you what my mother told me as a child if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all
    :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
    i no very mature LOL

    Do you want to be thin and sick or thin and healthy?

    If you don't care about being healthy and if you never want to be able to eat like a normal person again after destroying your metabolism, then keep doing what you're doing.

    I don't think I said anything "not nice." I just pointed out reality. I could stop eating for a week and I'd easily drop 10 or 15 pounds by doing that. Is it healthy? No.
  • anewattitude
    anewattitude Posts: 483 Member
    I find I always seem to fluctuate. Somedays I can keep under and other days I am starving. It is frustrating because I am trying to make healthy choices and I still go over at times. Yesterday I was roughly 700 calories below my target but that is because I burned about 550 calories from exercise. Today I am sitting at about 300 calories under and I feel like I could use them all up before the night is over! ( I'm having one of my hungry days!!). I think the key is about balance. Some days we will all go over, some days it will be under. The important thing to keep in mind is the big picture. We are on here to improve our overall health, wether it be by losing weight or simply learning to make better food choices and incorporating more excerise. I have read some of the posts here and am amazed by some people's stories. I have the utmost respect for anyone who takes responsibility for their current weight/ health situation and makes the choice to get healthy! I am also shocked to hear about some diets people on here are trying that are so restricting. I have tried to diet so many times and I even went three weeks without eating solid food and the only thing I accomplished from that is passing out and feeling miserable! I have since learned that the way to lose weight is to.... wait for it...... EAT!!! Sadly my personal menu of choice ( the dorito diet) is no longer an option so I am on here to make myself accountable. Since joining a week ago I have stayed off chips and for me that is a huge accomplishment! We all have our vices and we will all have good calorie days and not so good calorie days but the important thing to keep in mind is your goal. If you are having a day when the chocolate chip cookies are calling out to you( or in my case the potato chip devil) if you can resist the temptation, GREAT, if not, grab that cookie, eat slowly to savour each bite and tell yourself you are still fabulous! Oh and it wouldn't hurt to go for a walk or something either! I'm sorry if I sound like some crazy self help wannabe but my user name was selected for a reason! I have beaten myself up emotionally time and time again for my failed attempts to get healthy and it served no purpose except for making me grab more junk food while I indulged in my self pity. So my "new attitude" is to surround myself with people who I can support and who can support me in my journey towards health. So to everyone on here, good luck and hope we can cheer each other on!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I think its hard when you first start eating HEALTHY to eat all your calories. I mean I can eat a HUGE and filling salad for a little bit of calories, vs when I wasn't watching what i was eating, I might only eat one Big Mac or whatever, but it was half my days worth of calories in one burger. I think that's why people struggle so much.

    When I first was really watching what I ate and trying to eat ONLY healthy food, I was dying at like 600 cal for the day. But it was because I wouldn't let myself eat anything that wasn't a vegetable.

    I gave up, and decided just to eat whatever I want as long as it was under 1500 cal. Much easier to fill up my calories now, than it was before.

    So I think that's why its hard, because before you could not really EAT a lot, but still be eating a lot of calories...and gain a bunch of weight. If that makes sense.
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    not being able to eat all their calories... give me a break... if this was even true then you wouldn't be overweight in the first place!

    To me 1,200 calories is not enough for me. If I have more calories, I would not have any problem finding food to fill them. Come on, be honest, whos going to believe you.

    ~sorry, just needed to vent here. 2nd day on Daniel's fast... it's getting to me~

    Thank you!! Been wanting to say that for MONTHS now!!!
  • moonport
    moonport Posts: 97 Member
    Ok, I would like to start by saying that I try to eat all my calories everyday. Generally, I hit around 1000-1100 calories a day. I exercise 6 days a week, burning between 250-600 calories each day. It IS possible to do this and not feel hungry. I've visited with my doctor and he feels I'm doing everything right for the point that I'm at. I'm quite heavy. As I continue on my path, I've been advised to slowly up my calories, but for now, I'm doing good.

    For me, I think it's because I eat ridiculously slow. Always have. It takes me over an hour to eat my dinner. I take a bite, put down my fork and take a sip of water. Needless to say, I've grown accustomed to cold food (yes, I know that's strange). I'm also always on the go. Between school, work, the gym and my social life, I'm not home very often. I made a steadfast rule not to eat on the go, so there are only certain times I can eat.

    This won't work for everyone, but it suits my needs and I'm never hungry. And I'm losing weight at a steady and healthy rate. If I do get hungry, there's a granola bar in my purse. :)

    And to clarify, I'm fat because I used to eat fast food and ice cream. All the time. I never worked out. Ever. Now that I'm health conscious, I know what decisions to make and am taking care of myself in the best way I know how. Please try to be respectful of those who are struggling with this. It IS a real problem, even if not for you.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I agree! I had the same problem. When you don't eat a lot of carbs it truly is hard to get your calories. I try to eat more proteins, healthy fats, fruits and vegetables rather than breads/crackers, etc.

    Ditto - been upping my protein and find it hard to reach my caloric needs. It'll all even out once I get there, but in the meantime!

    To the OP, maybe a little cranky because you are fasting... fasting not so much better than being sketchy about calorie intake... I dunno... he who throws stones in glasses houses??