Compile a diet...

rockchick793 Posts: 30 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Question to all MFP: My diet is no longer working for me and I have not lost any more weight. I'm stuck...can someone please compile me a simple diet to go off of that has given you progress? Please?


  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    Have you tried changing up exercise? I don't cut out certain foods, just eat in moderation and I'm steadily losing. It's hard when you hit that plateau!!
  • rockchick793
    rockchick793 Posts: 30 Member
    I have, I've added more cardio to get my heart rate up there in that burning zone. I'm kind of starting to get a little frustrated. I don't want something drastic and dangerous. Just something simple. I know I'm not going to have overnight changes, but I've only lost five pounds right now and my measurements haven't changed.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    Can you open up your diary so we can see what you're eating now?
    Are you exercising too?

    What's worked for me is a mix of protien & complex carbs. For Breakfast: Oatmeal, Turkey bacon and fruit. Snack: Yogurt and fruit. For Lunch: Serving of Protien (Think can of Tuna Fish, Left overs from the night before etc...) and veggies or fruit or both. For pre-work out snack string cheese and veggies or fruit and yogurt For dinner: A serving of protien (think the size of a deck of cards) and half a plate of steamed veggies.

    Try to avoid processed foods and make sure you're eating enough. A lot of times we'll stall out in the weightloss because we're not eating enough...
  • rockchick793
    rockchick793 Posts: 30 Member
    ok, I opened it up. Didn't know it was set to private....I didn't log anything these past few days, I've been really sick.
  • rockchick793
    rockchick793 Posts: 30 Member
    Also..rifined sugars and processed foods?? No clue....
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    Ok- I looked and if on the days that you do log you're logging accurately you're not eating enough.

    I have struggled with this too but your body will hold onto the excess fat because it's under nurished and doesn't know when it's next meal is coming. Not to preach but weightloss seen in diets where you're under 1000 cals a day is from your body eating it's muscles. Those "skinny" people tend to flabby.

    SO that said you need to kick up your eating habits. BREAKFAST. I hated bfast for a long time and now I can't function without it. When you eat in the morning it turns up your metabolism. Snack frequently and lightly. I didn't really see processed foods in your diary (think those god aweful 100 calorie packs of sugary or fatty foods that people think are "diet" just because they're only 100 calories and pretty much anything that comes in a box, hot pockets, frozen pizza, rice a roni etc...) That crap is packed with salt and low on the nutrition.

    I didn't see any REAL source of protien in your diet- are you a vegetarian? I was for years and can give you some good sources. Otherwise you need to increase your protien intake. If you workout/lift weights you should be taking in AT LEAST 75g of protien a day on work out days. Make some of those adjustments (and start with eating more) and I'll bet you'll see a shift.

    Good Luck and feel free to add me as a friend if you want more meal tips.

  • rockchick793
    rockchick793 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks, that was very helpful...I just assumed cutting calories and eating less would help, I guess I'm just afraid to over-eat. I'm not a vegitarian I just get lazy sometimes and don't want to cook so I try to grab something "fast".
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    oh, and ditch those god forsaken slimfas shakes and eat some REAL food.
    You can have 1 oatmeal packet, 2 slices of Turkey bacon and a handful of grapes for the nutrion in one of those and the actual breakfast will stick with you longer. :flowerforyou:
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Also..rifined sugars and processed foods?? No clue....

    Processed foods are anything that is "pre-made, pre-packaged" - not in its natural form - think frozen dinners, boxed mac n cheese, frozen burritos, etc. If the ingredients list reads like a chemistry class - it's processed.

    Refined sugars would be white sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, etc. Sweeteners that are not refined (and are therefore okay to eat) is honey, agave nectar, sucanat, etc.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    You're welcome- any time. We need to feed our bodies to get them to do what we want. :bigsmile:
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