Job searching, career changing, etc.

Pucks_and_Balls Posts: 95 Member
Any other MFP-ers currently looking for a new job or wanting to switch fields?

I have been looking for a new job actively since the start of the new year and haven't had any real offers come through. I was trying to get into a really competitive field (sports management) and couldn't get interest from anyone besides people hiring for seasonal and temporary positions. Since I have a full-time permanent job, I couldn't really leave that for something that might not pan out or pay wayyyy less than what I make right now. I am currently a website editor and am looking for a position where I can use my writing/editing background, but again, nothing yet. I applied for two jobs I swore I was perfect for and neither of them have called.

I am trying to get away from sports-related stuff since it is way too competitive, but am finding it easier said than done. I've thought about working at a nonprofit or switching careers entirely to something like human resources, which uses the research and interviewing skills I've acquired, and it also requires a lot of attention to detail. Right now, my goal is to keep my options open and I know whatever is meant to be, will be. Of course, speaking of way too competitive areas, I'd also like to get a job teaching Zumba, even if it's only a side gig. Again, easier said than done. (I have been licensed since last June.)

I finally negotiated my way to a more sane schedule at work that should hold me over for a while and relieve some burnout I was feeling, but I'm still going to keep my eyes open for better opportunities b/c I just feel ready for something new.

What about you guys?
