Was doing SO good, then all the sudden....

How do you stay motivated to stay atop of your goals? I have about 10 lbs left to reach my goal and suddenly I'm like "Oh whatever, I'll eat this fast food/ unhealthy junk". I still exercise, but I know the stuff I am "fueling" myself with is crap! Utter crap.

It seems I do this, and of course my weight loss stalls. I allow myself little treats here and there when I am doing good so it's not like I deprive myself until I just throw caution to the wind. I feel like I just lost interest in staying on the straight and narrow. Any advice for those that struggle with will power? I've been over my calories, carbs, fat these past few days and low on my protein and fiber. So basically, I am messing everything up!


  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    We all get like this!!!

    I would buy a dress or look at an old photo of you when you were a little bit slimmer to keep you motivated.

    Of course have your little treats here and there to keep you motivated, or up your workouts for these naughty foods you want : )

    You will get there, Maybe if you have set to 2lbs loss a week, maybe change to 1lb, ok slower but you can eat more of the foods you love.

    I would def put some pictures together, or keep a photo of yourself where you look your best on your phone and keep looking at that to keep you motivated.

    You can do it, Good luck!
  • changergirl
    That sounds very similar to what I've gone through multiple times during this journey. After losing about 40 pounds I felt pretty satisified, I was the smallest I had ever been in my life but I wasn't at my goal yet. Like you I hadn't deprived myself to get to lose that 40 pounds, I definitely had my fair share of chocolate, ice cream and wine. I guess I just hit a period where I'd had enough for a bit. I knew I wasn't done but I was fine with slowing things down even more and taking a bit of a diet break. I ate a maintenance and probably a bit higher for over a month. I gained a bit but most of it was water weight because it dropped off quickly once I started eating healthy again. Sometimes, I really think our bodies just need a break. As long as it isn't permanent. I use my vacations as breaks as well, I've gone one 3- 2+ week vacations and I think it's been good for my sanity. I just tell myself as soon as I'm back, I'm back to eating healthy. These breaks have clearly slowed down my weightloss, I'm sure I'd be at my goal by now if I hadn't had them but they really were necessary to keep me sane and not to kill my husband!
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    You are not messing anything up. Weight loss is like anything in life it is a a linear journey where you have a clear path. Please consider that when you "lose motivation" that it means you are not behaving congruently with your TRUE goals. Get your hand on heart goals in line and the how (motivation) will be there. Just looking at your graph you have come a long way - sometimes your eat "the way you use to" - pay attention on how your body reacts to this - do you feel less energetic? Less inclined to life the life you love? These are great reference points to help you get a clearer image of your true goals and how your eating habits are supportive towards or non supportive towards who you truly want ot be. My opinion is that just acknowledging your change and assessing your food choices is great and that you are acting exceptionally.
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    iI'm going through EXACTLY the same thing, i only had about 10lbs to go, and now have got myself stuck in the mindset of 'screw it, i want chocolate!' and have managed to ruin all my good work! It's very hard to get back into that mindset once you've had a few days of not caring, even when you can see the scale creeping up, (i was almost literally crying into my cake yesterday, i know i'm a total comfort eater).

    I find that making an effort to do something a bit differently helps me; for example, i don't do any exercise. Well, i have to do a hell of a lot of running around in my day job, but i don't make the effort to consciously do any exercise. So i pick a daily challenge, (do so many squats, do so many crunches, etc) and resolve to do that. I find that doing something proactive like that usually makes me feel like i'm making an effort, and so am more inclined to not want to ruin it by binging.

    Also, i think 'one day at a time'. So when i get a craving for a burger or cake, i tell myself that i only have to behave today, and i can stuff my face with all the unhealthy things i want tomorrow; food will always be there. Then of course, i do the same tomorrow, tell myself it is just for one day and i can have all that unhealthy food if i still want it tomrrow.

    Good luck! X
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    What you are fuelling yourself with are carbs, protein and fat irrelevant if it is clean, dirty, vegan or vampire from mars diet.
    How much you eat and when you eat it is key.
  • JazmineYoli
    JazmineYoli Posts: 547 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss so far and having only 10 lbs left to go.

    With that being said I am also going through the same thing. I feel like mine is more of a summer coming though. I want to go out more, get drinks with friends, birthdays, and for me that includes eating more.

    My suggestion/also my plan is to continue exercising but eat at maintenance for a little while. That way you can get these urges out of the way then get back in the grind when you are ready. Also with eating at maintenance you shouldn't gain. So getting back in the grind should be easier...hopefully.
  • eminentclapper
    eminentclapper Posts: 15 Member
    Motivation goes up and down, so is not reliable to rely on. Instead, use willpower! Take one day at a time. Force yourself NOT to eat junk for just ONE DAY! No matter how you feel or how little motivation you have. Then repeat next day, etc. If you can do that, then you WIN every day!

    Maybe there's a part of you that doesn't think you deserve to reach your goal. If that's the case, willpower is the best way to prove that part wrong and conquer it! You DESERVE to reach the goal you've obviously been working SO HARD to reach!!

  • cakesyme
    cakesyme Posts: 20
    You're doing better than I am.

    I'm hardly five pounds in and I'm losing interest already.

    But that's okay, I'll still carry on.
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    In for advice - I'm totally there at the moment, but still 50lb from goal. It's frustrating.