Home workout weights+ insanity+low carb= WTF???!

:smokin: Hey yall!!
So over here I have 10lb dumbbells, an 8 lb kettlebell (i never use)
I use fitocracy to keep me motivated for workouts.

wondering if anybody with experience in loosing 40lbs
if working out at home with this kind of setup is too little, too much, etc etc?
I wanted to add cardio -insanity then maybe p90x 2-3 times a week….

but i just i read this article and got scared, i dont know WHO this guy is but it still scared me!:embarassed: :embarassed:
am i over excercising?how do i know what is too much? is what im doing so screwed up? am i cheating myself?! room for cardio?

(here are my workouts, please check em out to see what the heeeeck im doin)

i am eating 1350 cals a day
trying under 20carb a day(usualy end up at 30)
workout bet 4-6 days a week 400-800 cals burnt
can i eat low carb , 1350 cals, and do these workouts every other day and be successful? do i need to eat low carb? how many carbs is "low" carb ?AHHH !

i want to be lean but is it counteractive to try to loose weight asap and do my workouts to gain a bit of muscle and strength while still trying to evaporate this horrible fat situation?!

Ive been scanning the internet too much and just want to hear from REAL people who have had success losing 40 lbs doing something similar- or had horrible failure doing something similar- lol

and this is my first post as well!


  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Your approach is aggressive and will probably make you feel miserable, which means you probably won't sustain it. You need to net more than the 550-950 range you mentioned. If you do sustain that long enough to lose 40 lbs through sheer iron will, you're going to lose far more lean mass than you would like.

    You do not need to eat low carb in order to lose weight. There is no advantage to a low carb diet unless you have a medical condition, and there are some important disadvantages. Low carb diets combined with a great deal of aerobic exercise will make you feel like a fish with no water. Simply eat a balanced diet. Do a reasonable amount of aerobic exercise, and strength train to hold on to lean mass.

    Low carb diets will cause a massive initial loss of water and glycogen. And since water is heavy, you're going to fist pump when you see how "well" your diet is working. But it's just water weight that you lost. Load up on pizza and ice cream, and all your low carb "progress" will disappear, because low carb diets are no better for fat loss than a balanced diet.

    But do what you like.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    I second whodidntante. Trying to make too many changes at once, or trying to take on too many exercise routines, might make you get tired of exercise, and give up entirely.

    I lost over 40 LBS, and i did it with cycling, walking, and eating a high carbohydrate, plant based diet. I'm working on running this year, and i may start strength training next year. I'm in no hurry.

    "It's the steady, quiet, plodding ones who win in the lifelong race" - Robert Service