
pmoonfairy Posts: 4 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi my name is Samantha. I'm new to the site but my profile says that I've been using for four months. I started then but I stopped.
Not sure why I did but I know that I need help now. I've been big my entire life. I came from a big family. So with that I've learned to do everday things like normal people because I made myself belive I'm normal. When I would look at myself in the mirror I would see myself but when I think to myself about what I look like I thought I was just a normal skinny person. I fooled myself for 25 years and now I don't want to do that anymore! So I'm looking for help. Looking for support from people that will tell me the truth. Not oh honey you look great no matter what size you are! I'm making a promise to myself today that I'm going to work at this! And like I said I really need Help..... Thank you.


  • nanicksmom
    nanicksmom Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! I can completly understand. I have been fooling myself for years and no more. I need to lose at least 120 pounds and I have fooled myself into thinking that I am "normal". I have just decided that I am not going to let anymore of my life go by without doing something about my weight... You can do it and I can too!
  • pmoonfairy
    pmoonfairy Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you! Everyone around me loves me and always tells me I look wonderful. I know now that I don't... I do need the help to not get back into that mind set of thinking that I'm not what I see... I know that you can to! Maybe some how we can help each other do that..
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    Hi Samantha I totally understand what you mean about fooling yourself. I don't have as much weight to lose as you but it is still a lot to me. All I can say is stay the course and don't get discouraged. It is a slow process. You didn't gain it overnight and won't lose it overnight. I'm sure you already know that. Just remember its a lifestyle change and it will need tweeking and adjusting just like life in general. By the way I grew up in Cincy!!:happy: You can change. I'm glad you are starting your new life. If you want someone to cheer for you or tell you the truth you can friend me. I will cheer you on. Just remember BABY STEPS and YOU CAN DO IT. My little mantra is Eat to Live NOT live to eat!!
  • mykaar74
    mykaar74 Posts: 253
    welcome Sam,

    I think we all have in some way or the other convinced ourselves that we are healthier than we appear. Lord knows I have. I am what ppl considered bigboned, so I dont look 237 lbs and having ppl around me tell me I look good, had me deceiving myself. I finally realized that I WAS NOT HAPPY with the numbers I saw no matter what ppl told me. I wish you all the best, and congrats on taking the steps to make the changes you seek. Feel free to friend me for support
  • pmoonfairy
    pmoonfairy Posts: 4 Member
    Yes yes thank you! I know that i am like 380 or even more but I don't look like it. and maybe because they've always said that I believed them But I need to do this now for myself Thank you! I really think that is what I need. Some one to be honest with me. My family keeps telling me that I'm fine and wonderful the way I am. My fiancee and I have been engaged for 4 years.. and he keeps telling me that he doesn't want me to change that he thinks I"m beautiful. I would love to have the support from all of you!
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