13 Weeks to a 10K on New Year's Day! Who's with me?!

Hello! World's Worst Runner here!

I was thinking today about how many times I've started training for something and never followed through--something always seems to "come up" and before I know it the 5K or 5mi or oh so elusive half marathon has come and gone and my memories of training are vague at best. I have started training programs time after time and I've decided one thing--I need your help!

I have two big goals: 1--finish the 10K Resolution Run in Atlanta on New Year's Day, 2011 (don't worry, kiddos, it's at noon--plenty of time to sleep off ringing in the new year--see I even thought of that!), and then 2--Run and finish the Music City Half Marathon on April 30, 2011.

I found a program where you only have to be able to run 1 minute at a time right now (which is about what I can do), and it builds each week with three runs per week. The program is time based, so no matter how fast (or slow in my current case...) you are, it will still work!!

I live half time in Nashvile and half time in Chattanooga and would LOVE some "real" running partners, but I need an ARMY of you guys behind me too--what better way to START your new year than by completing a resolution that you make now?!

Here's the link to the program....http://www.sparkpeople.com/mypage_public_journal_individual.asp?blog_id=1462924&comment_page=2...I made a calendar and I'm planning on spinning and doing resistence training 1-2 times per week (depending on how much I'm running) and added in a few local races just to keep my motivation up throughout the next few weeks--I'll be happy to email it to anyone that would rather have that format!

Tomorrow...walk 5 minutes to warm up; run 1 minute, walk 2 minutes (x8); walk 5 minutes to cool down for 34 minutes total....