Ketogenic Breakfasts?

Hey, i am on the ketogenic diet as i am have hypotyhroidism and struggle with my weight as it hasnt stabalised after having my child 4 1/2 years ago.

It had been going well, but i took a break as i was getting a bit bored and wanted to 're-motivate' i am SO bored with the breakfasts in the recipe e-book i bought, I work full time and am a single mum with a kid in school, so its not particularly easy to try to juggle a full cooked breakfast with my normal juggling act as a sheepdog chasing my non-morning-person child around, with cereal stained school jumpers, homework that apparently didnt exist last night but does in the morning, missing objects etc...

I also (just to be difficult) find almond and coconut flour extremely expensive, an unpleasant taste, and hard to get hold of in the UK.

Any ketogenic people know of any good 'on the go' breakfast recipes that can be done in advance?


  • lorarte
    lorarte Posts: 56 Member
    This site has lots of ideas for all meals but her induction menu is very good, I make variations of the quiches and whitecastle hamburger pie and eat it over a few days either for lunch (with salad) or dinner (with veggies), they also freeze well.

    I found this one the other day, it's virtual food porn and the recipes are really good.

    Another good one, lots of lovely ideas you can make lots of portions and freeze or stick in the fridge

    I like this site, lots of ideas and encouragement with example menus

    This another good site with lots of information for you, but it's not as easy to find what you want,

    I'm in the UK and buy almond butter and whey protein from This site does all the flours and butters but I'm not sure how good their pricing is?

    Hope these help?

  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    You can never go wrong with eggs.

    Throw in some pico-de-galo, peppers, onion, or mushrooms.

    Also, baked egg muffins (there's no bread).

    There's also whey protein shakes, a sweetened cottage cheese with cinnamon + sugar and fruit too.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Make up a batch of egg muffins or meatloaf muffins and freeze. Then pop one out each morning. I don't do keto, but it's really low carb, right? So most meat and eggs are fine? Get the pre cooked bacon and zap a few slices, then scramble some eggs in the microwave.
  • selfepidemic1
    selfepidemic1 Posts: 159 Member
    Keto breakfasts are usually too much for me, I have a double cream and coffee, and wait till lunch to eat. When I'm not feeling sick from all the fat! Haha!

    I did love to eat egg nests though! They're super light! Omelette with onions aren't too heavy, since bacon all the time gets a bit dull.
  • angdpowers
    angdpowers Posts: 311 Member
    I'm thinking chia seeds are on this particular diet.

    I LOVE making chia seed pudding the night before. That way it'd be ready come morning and I bet you money your kid would like it too!! In fact, yesterday I had a big serving of chocolate peanut butter chia seed pudding for breakfast.

    I order them online and have them shipped to me. A bag lasts a LONG time. If you don't like the texture of the seeds, they can be soaked overnight and then just blended in the morning for a smooth consistency. But you get awesome protein and omegas AND its filling. I ate it at 7am and come 12:30pm I was just thinking about lunch.

    Google recipes -- you won't be disappointed. :)
  • kjw0528
    kjw0528 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the links above!