Tasty fat-free Thai salad recipes

Hi everyone, I'm from Thailand , and I'm also a chef with a nutrition degree. I would like to point out to my fellow fitnesspals that all Thai salads are made with NO added fat or oil whatsoever, it's not a low cal version of the original, it's just how we roll!

I have a cooking show on YouTube called Hot Thai Kitchen where you can find a couple of those salad recipes on there along with other Thai recipes. Here's the link


And on there look up "Laab Moo Part 1" (high protein, very low fat) and "Som Tam" (papaya salad which is high fiber, low fat) and you'll find they're delicious, nutritious and low cal. But super intense in flavor.

Hope you all enjoy!


  • mykaar74
    mykaar74 Posts: 253
    thanks for the info, i love salad but it's getting boring. I had my first Thai salad a couple months back here in Japan, at a Thai restaurant and it was GOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDD. Thanks again I'm gonna check it out
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    Mmmmm, I love Thai salad! Thanks for sharing!