Days off


Tonight im out for a meal and I know if I dont eat my favourite foods (which are way over my calories and I couldnt work it out!!) Id not stick to my diet... I occasionally need to treat myself.
Im going to be good the rest of the day tho... do I just not log for the day as I wont no my calories and will be way over?

Hope this makes sense, just finished busy 13hr nyt shift!!


  • Lithuria
    Lithuria Posts: 132
    I think it's up to you really. For you, you may not want to bother with it which is fair enough, but for me I find I have to to prevent me from going lying to myself....if I miss any calorie, any little insignificant bite on any little day, I know I can start justifying it other times, so I do try even if I know I'll have gone over one day.

    My only exception will be when I'm on holiday and won't have access to a computer.
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328

    it doesn't make any sense to only log the good days, and leave the days you know you'll be over... that's lying to yourself!
    Make an approximative guess on what and how much you eat and drink, and log it in. There will always be days like this, and you wouldn't stick with MFP if you tried to cut all out!

    My advice is: eat your favourite foods, but cut down on portions. Eat from it all, but eat less than you did before you started this.
    And tomorrow is another day!

    We all need exceptions, they motivate us to keep going even more determined the next day!

  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    So tonight I am out with my girl friends to the local all you can eat chinese it is one of there birthdays and No health kick is going to stop me celebrating. With my meal I will order a glass of water and I will only have a small bit of rice and NO Prawn crackers but apart from that I will do everything that I normally do. I have been on my weightloss journey since july and have often had a treat day have gone over and it hasn't harmed me in the long run.I am so relaxed regarding it I eat healthy everyday I exercise 3 times a week but I am not strict as in I never have any treats because If I am I would never stick with it. I also find that I log it no matter what it goes over at I log it.
  • KylieWood
    Having a free day is a great idea. This teaches your body that it's not starving and it's a day you can look forward to each week. At least if you are craving that chocolate cake you know that you have that one day at the end of the week that don't have to calorie... count. Give it a try!!! Your body will thank you. The Body for Life program allows you to do this. Have a look at it.
  • squishyfishy
    I always found that the occasional bad day didn't make that much difference but on the weeks I didn't lose it really annoyed me. I would still log things just so you know the cals you have eaten. I'm a firm believer in a little of what you fancy does you good and throughout my weightloss I've never denied myself anything as that just makes me want it more. I'll have that glass of wine or bar of chocolate or takeaway but I tended to enjoy it far more if I'd actually earned it through exercise. Its very motivating for me to think of the calories I've burnt in terms of food, once you see how hard it is to burn off the cals in your favourite chocolate bar it doesn't seem quite as tasty lol.