Feeling "Stiff"?

I just finished my 2nd week of UFC Fit (like insanity just less intense with kickboxing,punching, using weights, etc.) and well I'm feeling very stiff. I do the stretches that are on the DVD there is even one dedicated to stretching and I even stretch on my own. But the last couple of days my muscles feel kinda tight...any advice on what to do here?

Also, Today is my rest day.


  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    It's only your second week, so that feeling is pretty normal. Continue with the stretching, stay active and I highly recommend a foam roller.
  • gymkoala
    gymkoala Posts: 76
    yup foam rolling is the way, but they had to call it pain roller as if you are doing it right you will want to cry, ahh pain good old friend!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    that's what I call it- but yes- foam rolling- epsom salt baths- and resting.

    foam roll.

    and drink water.

    and foam roll some more.