Fitbit Zip Wireless Activity Tracker

amaexo Posts: 12 Member
Has anyone used the Fitbit Zip Wireless Activity Tracker? ( I'm thinking of purchasing one today just so that I can accurately track how many calories I burn during my workouts. All the other trackers are a lot more expensive, and have a lot more features. I just need something basic and think this would do just fine, but I can't find many reviews for it. Thoughts?


  • DoodleBetty
    DoodleBetty Posts: 5 Member
    Hi :) I just got my fitbit zip last week, so I'm no expert. It only logs your steps taken as far as calories go, so lets say I do a circuit workout, I still don't know my exact calories burned. But I do really enjoy it so far. Its helping me be more active. It shows the calories MFP assumes I'm burning by doing normal activities throughout my day. I didn't realize that I wasn't hitting the normal activity range before, so now I can see that and get moving. Hope I explained that good enough...
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    I have a Fitbit One, not sure the difference. It helps me during my workouts and always punishes me for being lazy. Sounds so dramatic, but the punishment is real - Fitbit takes away my meal calories when I am lazy, since I am burning less. I have linked my MFP and Fitbit accounts together. So, great motivation for people who tend to be lazy (like me). And 10,000 steps a day? Rarely happens even on workout days.

    I have had it since the beginning of December last year, trying to keep Christmas weight gain to a minimum. Definitely worked, and continues to work. Definitely makes you aware of your daily activity/calorie burn.
  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 159 Member
    I have the ZIP and love it, especially on weekends when I'm running around doing errands or even housework. It tracks steps, miles, calories burned and syncs to MFP to adjust your caloric intake based on activity level. If you enter your fitness activity in MFP, FitBit will adjust your calories burned and so adjusts your calories for the day.

    I lost the dongle last month and thought that I couldn't wear the tracker because it wouldn't sync, but I decided to wear it anyway to track my steps, and surprisingly my activity and calories were STILL adjusted!! They say the more you wear it, the better it gets and I believe it.

    My replacement dongle arrives this week and I can't wait to get back to it. I'm getting to the point where I don't track my exercise in MFP anymore because the data is transferred from the ZIP.