I need unique workout ideas

Workout videos are like my best friends. I've probably done every program out there (Denise Austin, P90x, Body Revolution, Insanity, TurboFire (MY FAVE), currently T25 and Kettlebell on weekends). These were great for me in the past and helped me lose weight after my first two children but my body is just like "Ha! Done that!" I've hit a serious plateau. Started at 214 and now I am 189 (and I am happy about that) but that 189 is not moving and hasn't moved in months. I feel like my body has changed but I need some new ideas, because I am just not feeling fit. I did crossfit in the past and thoroughly enjoyed it but since some income changes in my household, my husband and I can no longer afford the $150/mos. I like hiking the trail nearby, that's fun. I am not much of a runner (it bores me) but I do enjoy obstacle races (I've signed up for 3 this year). What fun things do you guys do that will burn calories at the same time and will also get me fit? Do you do active things with your kids (we go to the park, we will buy some bikes hopefully soon). I have a 13 yr old, 7 yr old, and a 2 yr old. I wish I were more creative, lol, but I am not. Hope to hear some great ideas from you soon! :happy: :happy:

PS - I live far from the city, and there's not much around my area. Thanks again!


  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Get your Diet under control.

    All those videos will help you move the scale, if your eating the correct amount.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Aside from any health issues, if your weight hasn't gone down in months mean you are not eating at a calorie deficiency which is needed in order to lose weight. You are eating to maintain but not lose. Set-up your profile and accurately log all of your activities such as food, exercise, water, and measurements. You also don't need a bunch of money to lose weight. Walking and hiking are excellent. When you are ready, consider strength training. You could buy a set of decent weights to use at home.