Just not losing, support and motivation needed :)

Hi, I am a college senior about to graduate in 6 weeks! I have been working out and eating a low carb diet but my inconsistency has not helped me and I not at the weight I was hoping for, for this week. I am 5'1 on the petite side and currently 116. Last week I was in the 113's so my weight fluctuates a lot! Anways I am striving for a 6-8 pound weight loss in 6 weeks, maybe more but I want to be realistic. Do you think this is a doable goal? I plan on sticking to my Ketogenic Diet and working out 5-6 times a week. 4-5 days cardio and 2-3 days weights. I am also going to do 2-3 group cardio classes a week. Since I am at my last 10 pounds to lose I know its going to not be easy because my body will want to hold on to the weight but what are some tips. I started a journal to write down everything I eat and my exercise for the day to keep track and I already took measurements. I haven't been under 113 in months. I am using my graduation weekend as a goal to motivate me because my whole family will be visiting and we will be spending a lot of time by the pool at the hotel and I want to look and feel great! Tips? Comments? thanks!
