New to the Forums and looking for support

Hi all! My name is Carla and I am new to the forums. I've used this program on and off for the last few years. I recently (a week ago) joined a gym and got a personal trainer. I would love to make some supportive friends to exchange emails, receipes, and notes of encouragement with. I am a high school teacher and have one son who's 14. I have lost 5 pounds in the first week. I have about 70 to go. I'm really more concerned about my clothing size than I am my weight! If anyone would like to team up as accountabilty partners, please let me know!


  • RBhyan
    RBhyan Posts: 31 Member
    Count me in..I log daily & myself & friends motivate each others .
  • Noogynoogs
    Noogynoogs Posts: 1,028 Member
    I am relatively new here. We all need lots of support on our weight loss journey :)
  • Llorraine11
    Llorraine11 Posts: 350 Member
    Hi Carla,

    u can add me if u like.. i can be a good friend..

  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    I'm on board!
  • tambam69
    tambam69 Posts: 270 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me.....
  • lozzatao
    lozzatao Posts: 53 Member
    hey hey hey !!! Anyone can add me ... 23 days young on MFP and logging daily !!!! ;)