Lunch at work ideas



  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Chicken Lentils for a filling high-protein meal.


    Skinless chicken breast (poached)
    Tomato sauce

    Can be a bit heavy though could see lightening it up a bit with some spinach or if you aren't trying to go so protein heavy just having it as a topping to some rice.
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    Wow I cant believe how little some people eat for lunch :bigsmile:

    Currently my work location has a sink, fridge and microwave so I usually bring left overs. This week it is homemade enchiladas, other times it is a frozen meal I had made previously (stew, rice and beans, etc.) Since I am also currently living on my own I will make 2 servings of a meal and have 1 for supper and 1 for lunch the next day (tomorrows lunch is porc chop w/asparagus and quinoa).

    The night before I might also make a quick meal for lunch, my favourite is sautéed pasta with lots of veggies and usually chicken.

    Rarely do I make a salad since the idea of it doesn't satisfy me. I will make a regular spinach/garden salad and add chicken, avocado or quinoa. I keep dressing in the fridge at work.

    I am one of those people that need to eat constantly so my 'lunches' include not just the main meal but more food. My current work also has set coffee times twice a day. Food for coffee is toast and peanut butter, yogurt with added fruit, multiple pieces of fruit (usually apple, banana, I have mango and kiwi today), cheese and crackers, etc.

    I have no idea what I am going to do in the summer when my job changes and no more kitchen or even safe drinking water for me. Ill be packing a cold lunch wherever I go in my cooler. I may need even to start a post to get ideas.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    When I have long days at school I usually just bring a meal replacement protein bar, a hard boiled egg and a can of V8. I'm not picky.
  • Hard boiled eggs are the best take out food and even if your in a rush in the morning, you can boil while you're putting on your make-up.

    Cut up Carrot sticks and dip into pre-prepared home-made Roast Eggplant and Red Pepper Dip ….. super easy to make if you are into cooking.

    1 Eggplant
    1/2 Red Pepper

    Cut the Eggplant in half and roast face down with a little olive oil on medium heat in oven. Do same with the red pepper on the same tray and roast both till you get the tops a bit blackened/burnt. That adds the smoky flavour. Pull out of the oven, cool slightly and mush up with a fork.

    Add sautéed chopped onions with herbs of your choice and season with salt and pepper. Mush this all together with 1 - 1 1/2 TBS of really good olive oil.

    Tastes amazing ! :)
  • SnazzIT
    SnazzIT Posts: 215 Member
    pre-made green smoothie