Now, I'm mad.

Maybe this is what it takes but I'm seriously ticked off at myself. Everything was going well today -- woke up early to go for a run w/ my husband. He said he was too tired so instead of resetting my alarm clock, I got dressed and hit the treadmill for 2 miles. Made an awesome spinach and strawberry salad to take for lunch at work, had my usual breakfast smoothie with Visalus shake mix, coffee, coffee ice cubes, chia seeds, and ground flax meal. I'm hitting my stride, I'm feeling good, it's going to be a great day! On the way out the door, I think "ooh, I think I should get a little chocolate as a treat today!" -- see the last box of Thin Mints (do you see where this is going?) and instead of grabbing only 4 (serving size, mind you), I grab a tube ... which is 7 servings. And still think to myself that I will space these out over the rest of the week at work. Right .... I just ate the whole tube and am seriously mad at myself. Honestly? Normally I would still only put down on my food log that I ate 4 ... if I listed it at all. I'm going to leave that sucker up there. Over 1000 calories and I'm in the red on fat, sugar, carbs, and who knows what all else. Mad, angry, disgusted, and frustrated with myself!

The only thing that could redeem myself is to try to work it all off today -- so I just came back from a 2 mile walk around the downtown area. It makes my numbers look slightly better but if I want to eat something for supper, I'm going to have to do something else this afternoon.

Freaking girl scout cookies. I hate them because they make me hate myself. I don't, really. But I'm mad. And maybe this is what it takes to get that motivation back.


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Brush it off and move on- you had a lot of success in the day.

    eat a moderate dinner- don't try to exercise your way out of this.

    The thin mints are gone- if there is one more tube left- divey them up into serving sizes of 4- put them in plastic baggies or whatever and freeze them or hid them so you can only grab one baggie at a time.

    you already HAVE some motivation- you're doing fine. Tomorrow is a new day. :)
  • Forever4me
    Forever4me Posts: 76 Member
    Been there, done that....about 2 weeks ago. EXACTLY what you did...Thin Mints and all. I was angry at myself too, but it was one bad choice, and it didn't ruin my week. I still lost weight. We are lucky that we get to make choices over and over you chose to walk a little extra, which is great. And make some better choices over the next couple days to eat a little less or work out a little more. But to think your entire day is a failure because of this is completely wrong, in my opinion. (I used to do this...I was either a success or a failure day by day, which was a completely destructive and non-productive mindset) You did a lot of great things for yourself today, so don't forget about those. Don't judget your success only on your calories for the's a trend and about making better choices over time. Not sure you were looking for a pep talk, or commiseration, but hopefully I gave you a little of both.
  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    Been in the exact scenario with Thin Mints. Instead of getting mad I wrote a letter to the girl scouts pleading my case that a serving size should really be listed as one box :flowerforyou:
  • elladams
    elladams Posts: 4
    Actually, thank you JoRocka and Forever4me. I don't post on here (notice my post count) but when I saw all those numbers in red, I couldn't believe I would throw the whole day away. You're both right. I've got this and I'm not going to let those cookies bring me down. Heck - I'm down 7 pounds since the beginning of the year and I've got a goal to run 800 miles this year. JoRocka - you're right - there's one tube left and it's going in the freezer or in the kids' lunch boxes for the next few days. I'm done with them (the cookies, not the kids).

    Thanks. I'm not sure if I was just venting or needed the pep talk but I got it and I'm glad I vented. :)
  • jennifer_a00
    jennifer_a00 Posts: 186 Member
    Oh yeah, love those thin mints! If it helps, look at your weekly calorie goal instead of your daily, and if you can eat a little lower than usual for the next week, you can still lose. Sometimes I do that if I go over on a day or two.
  • elladams
    elladams Posts: 4
    imhungry2012 - gonna agree with you there! :)
  • Aello11
    Aello11 Posts: 312 Member
    Brush it off and move on- you had a lot of success in the day.

    eat a moderate dinner- don't try to exercise your way out of this.

    The thin mints are gone- if there is one more tube left- divey them up into serving sizes of 4- put them in plastic baggies or whatever and freeze them or hid them so you can only grab one baggie at a time.

    you already HAVE some motivation- you're doing fine. Tomorrow is a new day. :)

  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    I find with things like girl scout cookies, candy, brownies, etc. I immediately divvy them up into portion size as soon as I'm home from the grocery store.

    Examples: I bought one box of the peanut butter girl scout cookies in a moment of weakness. The serving size was 3 cookies, so I got out sandwich bags and filled them with three cookies each and wrote the calories on the bags with sharpie. That way I only grab one bag when I want them.

    A sadder example that I did today was with a reece's peanut butter bunny! My friend bought it for me because she knows I love them and await their arrival in stores each year. As soon as I got home I cut that bunny into portion sized pieces and put it in bags! Poor bunny lol
  • whollybologna
    whollybologna Posts: 87 Member
    I did it too. 4 weeks in a row. going up steadily.
    Something has to be done.
    I'm taking drastic measures this week..
    we can do this!
    we mess up. we're human.

    we dust ourselves off and move on!
  • 1HappyRedhead
    1HappyRedhead Posts: 413 Member
    Once upon a time....
    I was 6 months pregnant with my son and had only gained 5 lbs.
    Then the Thin Mints arrived!! ARRGGHH... you know the rest of the story. :explode:
    I ended up gaining 40 lbs exactly and he weighed over 10 of them, but still!!
    Thin Mints are the Devil's Advocate. :wink:
    Life always offers us a second chance... it's usually called "tomorrow", but if you start with the very next
    meal you'll feel even better. Hugs of sympathy!! :flowerforyou:
  • freckledjezebel
    freckledjezebel Posts: 65 Member
    OP- we've all made mistakes. It's okay. Just dust yourself off and move on, don't let one bad choice get you down on yourself.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    Ok be a bit upset at yourself, that's fine, don't let it derail you. Life happens, crap happens. On top of that Girl Scout cookies are EVIL. (and delicious).

    But if you want to "fix it" figure out how many cals are in 1 serving and be that many cals under for a week. Your body doesn't reset every night at midnight and won't turn all that into fat right away, so as far as your journey is concerned you are still on track.

    But I do think it is ok to get mad at yourself. Because if you didn't then who's to say you wouldn't eat the other sleeve tomorrow?

    ETA: @imhungry2012; sorry I missed your comment! I would have just quoted you!
  • pennyks88
    pennyks88 Posts: 167 Member
    I can't even count how many times I feel like I've ruined a day by over-indulging in something! Don't beat yourself up. Just brush it off and know that you can do better tomorrow. :happy:
  • mapgeek
    mapgeek Posts: 5
    Looks like you've got a good handle on this I just need to put in my 2 cents..
    It doesn't matter if it's a tube of Girl Scout Cookies or any other kind of treat, those temptations are always going to be out there. Today it's a tube of cookies, tomorrow it's a pint of ice cream. For me it's potato chips and french onion dip.
    The solution isn't to figure out what to do with that last tube of cookies, it's to figure out how to handle any temptation in the future. Sometimes it's ok to give into those temptations, but you need to know how to handle them.
    I like the idea of divvying up the cookies and freezing them.
    Perhaps another way would be to enter the calories every time you eat a cookie (Or 1/4 cup of ice cream, Or serving of chips) as you go rather than waiting til the end and having a Holy sh1t, did I just do that moment. It will also make you stop and think about what it is that you are doing rather than just mindlessly eating. Mind you, I have to take that advice myself. But it's worth a try.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    I find with things like girl scout cookies, candy, brownies, etc. I immediately divvy them up into portion size as soon as I'm home from the grocery store.

    Examples: I bought one box of the peanut butter girl scout cookies in a moment of weakness. The serving size was 3 cookies, so I got out sandwich bags and filled them with three cookies each and wrote the calories on the bags with sharpie. That way I only grab one bag when I want them.

    A sadder example that I did today was with a reece's peanut butter bunny! My friend bought it for me because she knows I love them and await their arrival in stores each year. As soon as I got home I cut that bunny into portion sized pieces and put it in bags! Poor bunny lol

    You should have made a video and laughed maniacally as you hacked it apart with a cleaver.
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    Brush it off and count it as your cheat day. If you want to balance it out, do a few minutes more exercise and maybe cut a few calories daily over the next week. It's your AVERAGE that matters. One day isn't that big a day but your average cal intake over the week. Say your cal goal is 1600 and you got 2600 that day. Over the next week, I'd probably just cut to 1500 cals per day and do a bit more exercise to burn an extra 100. At the end of the week, you are -400! Just averaging that back out! So, don't beat yourself up, don't be mad. Just get your average back down by getting back into your grooooooooove! :bigsmile: You can do it and in the end, it's a much healthier mindset to look at the 'big' picture.