
Hi, I have been doing insanity for two weeks and am now starting the third week. Im so frustrated as I haven't lost anything!! Mfp has me at 2390 calories a day and I use the 40:40:20 for carbs, protein, and fats. I was wondering if anyone has had a similar situation. Im very frustrated. Im a guy if anyone is wondering.


  • Arulfr
    Arulfr Posts: 2 Member
    In my first month of Insanity the scales didn't budge. I'm now into the second month and the weight reading on the scale has begun to creep up HOWEVER in the first four weeks, the scales may not have dropped but the measurements on my body definitely had.
    Muscle is heavier than fat. Always remember this.

    Are you taking body tape measurements, body fat % measurements or even before and after pictures? I've found these to be the most reliable and encouraging ways to see your progress.
  • onechaoticrose
    In my first month of Insanity the scales didn't budge. I'm now into the second month and the weight reading on the scale has begun to creep up HOWEVER in the first four weeks, the scales may not have dropped but the measurements on my body definitely had.
    Muscle is heavier than fat. Always remember this.

    Are you taking body tape measurements, body fat % measurements or even before and after pictures? I've found these to be the most reliable and encouraging ways to see your progress.

    Muscle is NOT heavier than fat - a lb of nails vs a lb of feathers will still equal 1 lb - the difference is that Muscle is leaner, 1 lb of muscle will take up less space than 1 lb of fat......
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    I just started my second month of insanity and even though I'm not dropping significantly on the scale (about 1 lb per week) my clothes are fitting better. Agree with measurements because the scale is notorious for lying.

    Muscle is heavier than fat. Always remember this.

    And no a pound of muscle weighs as much as a pound of fat. They weigh the same but by volume a pound of fat takes up more space.
  • PinUp2014
    PinUp2014 Posts: 79 Member
    I believe that the book that comes in the pack says that you will be building strength and endurance first, then the second month is when the scale budges.

    I know that the first month, I lost SO many inches and felt fabulous.

    Never made it to the second month....but that's not here nor there.

    Are you using a HRM? I know that the burn is different EVERY TIME depending on how well I'm doing and if I'm really into it or just trying to make it through the workout.

    **I can't type...what can I say?
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    2230 is what the calorie calc recommends?

    if you used a 7 in the activity level you could drop it to a 6

    it wouldn't be insane to drop to 2000 if you don't start seeing results.

    but as others have said, most weigth lose will be in the second month.
  • ellew70
    ellew70 Posts: 222 Member
    The book gave me a calorie goal that I thought was high for me, so I gradually brought it down little by little - it was still much higher than what I guessed. In addition, when you get to month 2 you might need to up it again.