Workout group for parents of Autistic children

_Redhot_ Posts: 4
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support

I would like to start a workout group for parents of children with autism. I have found that since so few people really understand autism it adds a lot of stress. I just recently started doing P90X to help with the everyday stress. My time for just me. Some days I workout with my son and we do Turbo Jam. He loves her.

So if you would like to join in and lets get fit together that would be great!



  • AutismMom
    AutismMom Posts: 127 Member
    I am in!!!! :) Our son was diagnosed this past Feb, but we knew for while before that. He is amazing, but you are right, the stress of worry and concern does take over. I love this idea!

  • lab_goddess
    lab_goddess Posts: 170 Member
    Hi All,
    Just wondering how old your kids are...My son is 20, and was diagnosed just before kindergarten. It definitely adds a lot of stress and worry, but he is one awesome kid! I learn so much from him.
    Count me and THOR (my elliptical machine) in!
  • AutismMom
    AutismMom Posts: 127 Member
    Hello Again!

    My son Owen is 3 yrs old, he was diagnosed at 2 1/2 yrs. My husband and I are both support workers for adults with developmental disabilities, so we were fortunate enough to find out early. Owen is in IBI (Intensive Behavioural Intervention) which we have to pay for, as he will not be funded by our government in Ontario, Canada for another 2 yrs. So, yes, this can be stressful and so worrysum most of the time, but like you said, they are amazing children that continue to teach us everyday :)

  • Hey so glad to find people with similar situations.....My son is 7. he was diagnosed at 18 months. It added a great deal of stress to out household. Partly because people don't know a lot about autism and don't care too either.. At least were I live.....SO we struggled to find a place for him to go. So I understand the stress. I live in North Carolina. I am 33 and I have two kids Gavin is 7 ( I call him my little budha, or prophet) he doesn't talk a lot but when he does it is usually fortune cookie worthy...and then Harlie is 11......Sigh going on 20.....

    So what kind of exercise are you guys doing?
  • Hi all! Some scientists say I have girls in the autism spectrum some say they aren't, but we for sure live in abc land. TS OCD SID RAGE

    Did you get all that? I have two girls ages 8 and almost 12 - yea she's going on 20 too! Both girls have tourette's syndrome, & obsessive compulsive disorder. Maddie also has sensory integration disorder, and rages - which actually has words that start with letters that spell out RAGE but I can't remember what they are and it means that same thing - explosive violent anger attacks. The RAGE has gotten better as she has gotten older but the grade school years were sooooo hard. Maddie's OCD is mild but Chloe's is getting worse. She has to dress perfect, she has to get straight A's, she has to play each piano piece without making a mistake. Bedroom, backpack school desk all a mess because she hordes. Yea we got the messy OCD not the clean one. Patterned floors in a room can take all day to get across. Maddie's sensory issues means we can only use smooth silverware, can't touch chalk, or suede, or recycled paper. I think a lot of the TS and it's comorbids overlap with a lot of the same things that kids do that are labeled autistic - hence all the arguing by the scientist. I don't really care what the label says, they are great kids no mater what letters the doctors pass out.

    I have chronic Crohn's and the doctors are always asking me if I have stress. Really?? I have two high needs children, I'm self employed and can't work half the time and almost die at least once a year, why would I have stress? :)

    I don't need to loose weight, I need to gain and maintain. I don't loose it because I want to, I'm sick. I literally starve even though I eat as much as I can. I do need to work out though to help build back the bone loss due to steroids. I'm also so week a trip to the mall exhausts me and sends me for a nap. I need to build my stamina back up.

    My poor husband is trying to loose 30 pounds, while us three girls need to eat all the time to keep up with our bodies. TS really burns calories! I joined my husband up here, but loved the food tracking so much I decided to join too. It helps me keep track of what I have eaten in case of a flare, and helps me make sure I'm eating enough of the right foods.

    So will you all let a skinny chick join you? Living healthy is living healthy. I need to track my food, I need to eat healthy, I need to drink so much water I feel like I'm drowning, and I need to workout. Like our kids we overlap.
  • sherry_80
    sherry_80 Posts: 86 Member
    Hi there,

    I have 3 kids, My 6 yr old has aspergers / autism, My 4 yr old has a behavior disorder, any smallest is developmentally delayed. - he is going to be test at the end of oct. but he has indicators for aspergers/ autism.
    I work 8 hrs a day and on therapy appt, i take off.
    i currently do Zumba Videos, I can't go to a gym, not without any of my kids, they are stuck with me,
    I don't like to go to public places because they are too wild, they control the activities.
    I get a lot of attention, especially shopping, I hate it,. It takes me about 2-4 hrs to shop for groceries when i have all 3 kids.
    and there a lot of arguing / tantrums with them.
    There's too much negative people out there, who don't care to understand this disorder, they just blame the parents,
    To me its been this way for me -people are always blaming the parents for how the kids behave.
    I have done parenting classes and i am doing the therapy. but my kids always manage to get me in a conference with one of the teachers or at daycare. It happens about once a week or so. I have explained the diagnosis and taken the documentation and i still get talked to. I don't get it. Some people don't let it go.
  • AutismMom
    AutismMom Posts: 127 Member
    This is what I do to loose weight - I drive my son to IBI therapy 3 times a week, and the other 2 days he goes to preschool. Everytime I take him somewhere, I take my other 2 kiddies and we head out to the gym!! It is such a HUGE stress reliever! I recommned it!! This site has been great, and I have been able to drop almost 50 lbs since Feb, but really started hardcore in June.

    We are all strong women, and have been dealt some of the hardest cards life has to offer, but we were dealt them for a reason, I think. My husband and I have taken a different road than a lot of parents we meet here in Ontario who have children with Autism, we have embraced every part of it, and we are not letting it define who we are as a family, or who Owen is as a person.
  • sherry_80
    sherry_80 Posts: 86 Member

    We are all strong women, and have been dealt some of the hardest cards life has to offer, but we were dealt them for a reason, I think. My husband and I have taken a different road than a lot of parents we meet here in Ontario who have children with Autism, we have embraced every part of it, and we are not letting it define who we are as a family, or who Owen is as a person.

    i need to move to Ontario, there's more support there than here.
  • I have been pretty much home bound over the last two years. There is no way I could have worked out at a gym. To much movement sets off the Crohn's & I like to be near my own bathroom. For a workout the girls and I like to have dance parties. We crank the pandora radio and get down. We hit you tube to learn new dance moves. Its gets the heart rate up and my legs burning and the girls and I have a blast.
  • AutismMom
    AutismMom Posts: 127 Member
    Yes, in Ontario we do get some help from our government, but we are on a waitlist, which is standard for 2 years roughly. A lot of families can not scrap together money for private therapy while we are on the waitlist, we are lucky enough to be able to provide this for our son. When you do get funding from the gevernment, it is for minimum a year, and its 24 hours a week
  • key03
    key03 Posts: 26
    Hi, my eldest son was diagnosed with autism at the age of 3, my youngest son who is almost 5 also has 'autistic tendencies' , when my eldest son was first diagnosed it was so hard to do anything or go anywhere he was so obsessive! but now at the age of 21 he has grown into a wonderful man, he has a lovely girlfriend and a beautiful baby boy, and he is the most fantastic dad :happy: x
  • My 12 year old son is PDD-NOS, ADHD, ODD, and Mood Disorder-NOS. So in other words, the behavioral health center, says he is delayed in language skills with autism tendancies, but not enough to be "true" autism, and his therapist says Aspergers no question. Since no one can decide on which, they just lump him with Autism spectrum or Pervasive Development Disorder. ODD is oppositional defiance disorder, I say black he says dark gray just for the sake of creating an agrument. Mood disorder-nos is another way of saying there is something there but we don't want to label a child with bi-polar.

    I used to think I was so fortunate to have a son that played quitely in the corner by himself, or that he was so smart to line his toy cars up in a straight line from one side of the room to the other by type and color. When he was two, I didn't realize that this was an issue or not "normal". He was my first child. Until...he started school, then the cursing at the teachers, harming himself and other kids at school, making threats, and the running when angry or confronted. The most frustrating part is that the school tells you the medical terms are just a label and shouldn't be used as an excuse for "normal" behavior. They don't bother learning what the behavior tendancies are that go hand in hand with these "labels".

    Thankfully in the past couple of years we have managed to get him on an IEP, into a special school for behavioral developement, and most importantly get to the top of the waiting list for a CMH waiver, (there are only 600 for the entire state of Iowa.). He now has all the services we could ask for. Remedial therapy at our home once a week for social skills therapy, in office therapy once a month to keep him on track, and respite care thursday -sunday each week so that my hubby and our two kiddos (3 & 1) can get a break. We have a wonderful support group with our extended family and friends. I couldn't ask for a better mother-in-law. She has worked at a developementally delayed school for almost 20 years, so my son is nothing for her to understand or handle.

    I have gone through the whole series of emotions, denial that their is something wrong with him, anger that there is something wrong, heartbreak that he may not live my defination of a "normal" life, fear that he may not be able to remain at home until he is an adult or live independently when he is an adult, and now to acceptance that his future will be what it is and we have no regrets about what we have done to get him there. I know he is only 12, but if he doesn't learn the skills today he can't use them tomorrow. It has taken years to get to this point, a lot of frustration, and more than my share of tears.

    Chin up everyone there are better days ahead. And believe it or not there are a ton of people in our boat, we just haven't met them yet. Don't be afraid to share your story. You will be surprised how many people are amazed with your strength as a parent of a special needs child.
  • arsenal45
    arsenal45 Posts: 211 Member
    My son Jack was diagnosed as high-functioning autistic around 2 years old and he will be 11 this summer. Since my wife has gone back to school to get her degree in early childhood education, I've been needed to take on more responsibilities with the house, Jack, his brother, etc. I started working out in order to have something constructive for myself a few hours a week. I figured Jack is going to need me healthy and active for a long time! It's a great stress reliever and I've taken a very philosophical approach to it.
  • Woodman725
    Woodman725 Posts: 288 Member
    Well, I'm not a mom, but my son Henry has cerebral palsy, seizures, severe disphasia(can't swallow well enough to eat or drink), CVI which is a vision disorder, and most likely autism although no one has addressed the autism. My wife is a teacher of 13 years and has a masters in early childhood education and has seen many kids through her classroom. She thinks that Henry likely falls somewhere in the spectrum. He doesn't communicate vocally and can't walk or use his hands to point or grab objects, although he is strong enough to sit up on his own. His core is strong, but lacks fine motor skills. He is around 40 lbs now and has to be carried through the house since we have a split level his wheelchair doesn't really come inside. Taking care of him is a full time operation, but he is in daycare in the mornings and goes to pre-K in the afternoons where he gets all his therapy sessions. Anyway, I started to get in shape partly to make taking care of him easier, then realized how much I was really out of shape.
    My exercises include 60min classes of interval, boxing, kickboxing and weights. Occasionally I run on the treadmill. I'd love to join the group.
    Best of luck to you all with your kiddos and yourselves.
  • arsenal45
    arsenal45 Posts: 211 Member
    Well, I'm not a mom, but my son Henry has cerebral palsy, seizures, severe disphasia(can't swallow well enough to eat or drink), CVI which is a vision disorder, and most likely autism although no one has addressed the autism. My wife is a teacher of 13 years and has a masters in early childhood education and has seen many kids through her classroom. She thinks that Henry likely falls somewhere in the spectrum. He doesn't communicate vocally and can't walk or use his hands to point or grab objects, although he is strong enough to sit up on his own. His core is strong, but lacks fine motor skills. He is around 40 lbs now and has to be carried through the house since we have a split level his wheelchair doesn't really come inside. Taking care of him is a full time operation, but he is in daycare in the mornings and goes to pre-K in the afternoons where he gets all his therapy sessions. Anyway, I started to get in shape partly to make taking care of him easier, then realized how much I was really out of shape.
    My exercises include 60min classes of interval, boxing, kickboxing and weights. Occasionally I run on the treadmill. I'd love to join the group.
    Best of luck to you all with your kiddos and yourselves.

    Bud, you have my nomination for Father of the Year. And your tats are way-cool. :)
  • WrenLynn
    WrenLynn Posts: 213
    My son, Daryl, was diagnosed right before his 3rd birthday. When Daryl was about 18 months old I could start to tell he wasn't doing what his older brother did at that age. He didn't say his first word until he was five. Wasn't potty trained until he was five. He doesn't quite fit into a definite spot on the autistic spectrum so his label is PDD-NOS along with ADHD. He is now 16 years old. I have struggled to get him the help he needs. Despite the fact that he is very smart he has not been able to learn to read. I take him to a tutor and he is still reading at the first grade level. It breaks my heart as I know that will hold him back in life. He has just started to socialize more and have a couple friends who stop by occasionally. He wants to get his license and a job. With the difficulty of reading I am not sure how that will all pan out. If you were to just look at my son you would not be able to tell he has autism but once you start a conversation you catch on pretty quick. He loves to hug and touch others. I keep trying to explain personal space. If I don't see his 6 ft. 180 pound frame coming at me for a hug I can very easily get knocked off of my feet. I love him so much and pray God's will be done in his life. I walk alot and sometimes with Daryl as he loves to walk everywhere. He would walk all day if I would let him. I also do 30 day shred.
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