Recovering from Eating Disorders

I am a woman recovering from about five years off bulimia. I thought that since I am now trying to better myself and become my goal size in a healthy way, that I would like to hear how other people have struggled with eating and weight are doing. No matter what stage of the battle you are fighting or even someone you know is fighting, I think sharing our stories can help motivate people to be healthy verses an unhealthy image.

I started purging at fifteen, lightly, once a week or so. I did not think I had a problem because I was doing it so rarely. I was picked on at school and at home by relatives about my weight and height. So, I started purging and restricting my food intake along with working out.

Then, college started and the teasing switched to flirting from the boys and natural girl jealousy. So I upped the amount I worked out, decreased even more food, and increased more purging. I got compliments on my weight loss and more slim frame. I even started dating a fantastic man, but he also had the same issues I did. He was bulimic, which in a way helped me focus more on helping him cut down on purging, which made me do it less. But we broke up due to my issues taking control too hard and soon it was dangerous.

I lost emotional control, mental control, I was purging almost daily with what little food I had. My best friend even told me it was going to far and if I kept going I could die. I eventually made an attempt on my life and that's when it all became too real when I was committed to an emergency psych ward.

I told the doctor all my problems including the purging and was released a few days later. I was recommended a therapist and it was okay. Honestly, the hospital and doctor did jack to help. I was the one that eventually realized that I needed to change. After a long month of thinking I finally decided I needed to stop purging among other unhealthy practices. I have slipped here and there but I have only purged once in six months.

I still think in unhealthy ways sometimes, and I still have the urges to purge but I eat healthy, and adequately, and I try to run and practice yoga. And I recently started using this app again to keep track of myself.

so if you have any stories of overcoming under eating, purging, over eating, over exercise or more, share and let us support each other to be healthy, happy and fit in our bodies.