Feeling super unmotivated...

Hello everyone. I'm 24 and am (hopefully) getting married in January 2015. My boyfriend and I aren't engaged yet, but we are saving for a ring and are planning on a quick wedding soon (I have anxiety and planning and being the centre of attention kills me, so I figured a short planning time would be best in the long run.)

I want to be a size 10 for my wedding, and am currently an 18. I know I have plenty of time, but I am SO unmovitated. I hate working out and exercising. I've tried everything....running, jogging, walking, elliptical, biking, TurboFire, T25, etc...but I hate it all. I hate biking least of all, but it barely burns any calories.

So help? I need people to keep me motivated and help me lose weight. I don't know how to eat correctly or anything : /


  • IzzyandBri_mommy
    It is pretty easy to be unmotivated! Maybe set little goals for yourself and it will help, like a new outfit or a new hairstyle every size down...
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    So don't stay a size 18.
  • LizL217
    LizL217 Posts: 217 Member
    If you really hate any form of exercise, just don't do it. The biggest change in your weight is likely to come from changing how many calories you eat per day, so focus on that first.

    A great way to get started is just to log what you eat every day for a week. It's a really good way to find out where you can make some changes.

    Once you've gotten in the habit of logging consistently, identify your biggest problem area and try substituting something healthier for a week. It may also help to keep a diary of when you experience the biggest cravings. Track what you eat as accurately as possible (weighing can be helpful rather than just eye-balling portions).

    Set your goal to lose 1lb per week, or even just 0.5lb per week and use the calorie guidelines that MyFitnessPal gives you, trying to get close to that target everyday. Don't eat drastically less than your daily goal, because that can backfire very quickly. Your body needs a minimum level of nutrition to thrive.

    It's important not to focus too much on the day-to-day fluctuations in your weight because they can be the result of anything from water retention to timing of bowel movements (sorry, TMI). Take measurements, take pictures, and rely on the scale last.
  • Giddyduck
    Giddyduck Posts: 212 Member
    Do an activity that doesn't feel like exercise. I started with dancing with my daughters to Wii dance. I got tired easy but I knew I was getting a little activity because I was sweaty. From there, the endurance gets better.

    I agree with the nutrition piece. Log everything. That is the best place to start.

    Hope that helps.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    I want to echo Lizl and Giddy ^^. First concentrate on losing weight instead of exercising. Follow the MFP calorie amounts suggested for you. Weigh all your food and log accurately. You WILL lose weight. And once you begin to lose you will get fired up and I'll bet you will have more enthusiasm to move more.

    Oh, and btw, since you don't mind bicycling why don't you think about biking this way: any day you feel you need an extra 100 calories of food, just hop on your bike and "earn" those extra calories.

    Congratulations on you upcoming wedding. I married at a justice of the peace 43 years ago and it "stuck". You don't need a fancy wedding to have a successful marriage. If worrying about the ceremony is too much for you, find a less stressful way!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    if you impending yet unplanned nuptials to a man that isn't your fiance won't motivate you, i don't know what will!!