Trying to learn how to run :)

So I've never been one for running...even on the treadmill. I've always been an elliptical/gazelle kind of girl.
I'm a member at a fitness place that does classes, so my options for just plain cardio on an elliptical are not as accessible. I do spin class and piloxing (cardio kickboxing/Pilates mix) for cardio and then boot camps and small group personal training for my strength training.
I've recently decided to start running out in the field behind my house. Any by running - I mean, jog 2/3rds of it, and walk 1/3. After the first two go-arounds, my shins really start to ache and I normally have to stop after 15/20 minutes because it hurts, even though cardio-wise, I could keep going.
I didn't know if that was natural - and I would build up the strength? Also, is there any kind of stretching I could do before/after to alleviate that pain?


  • amandammmq
    amandammmq Posts: 394 Member
    Hi! Although I don't run any more, I used to. One thing to make sure of is that you are using good-fitting running shoes. Another thing you can do is check your running form. I have known a lot of people who had good luck with "chi running", and it looks like they have a free e-book for beginners.

    I hope that the info there is helpful!
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    Sounds like shin splints. I personally have never had them, but it's quite common if you look around the forums...
    First, get proper shoes, either fitted running shoes, or a pair of minimalist shoes, heck, some people run barefoot.
    Then, look at proper running form for your chosen footwear. ("Natural running" by Danny abshire comes to mind)
    Then, maybe look at a beginners running program such as c25k, the beginning runners handbook 10k plan etc...

    It's not rocket science, but always good to be informed and prepared :happy:
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    What you are doing is awesome! Yes! You must stretch! If you go online and look up stretches for runners, pick what you are most comfortable with. Calves, it band, quads, hamstrings, glutes, all of it. You can also do some active mobility before you start, ie, walk with bum kicks, and high knees. Throughout the day play around with flexing and pointing your toes. Some runners have sore shins because they are landing on their heels when they run. Try running two thirds of the track landing more on your midfoot and see if it makes a difference.

    I have a sore hip flexor from running sometimes. So I warm up, stretch, run, then stretch right after my run, then do some lying down stretches when I get home (within an hour of my run). I even used to stretch my hips mid run when it was particularly bad. Most of the time, lately, it doesn't hurt so I'm not so diligent

    People here are going to recommend the C25k app also. This is an excellent program, but what you are doing already is also awesome! Good for you:)