For those who wear glasses...



  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    During the winter, mine fog bad enough that the solve is worse than the problem. I have a pair of sunnies and oversize night glasses for the rest of the year, courtesy of a couple online places.


    These are my night glasses. They block dust being kicked up and I wouldn't be caught dead wearing them for any other reason aside from maybe a Halloween costume.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    The only time I don't wear my glasses is when I'm sitting in my room at home. Don't really give them a second thought when I'm working out.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    i go blind. althought i dont really need them to function. i only have astigmatism. i can read etc with out them, just that everything is fuzzy so my eyes strain harder to be able to focus. i can also read things better at a distance with them on. if i go without them for too long i get a headache, but working out where im not doing a lot of reading (just checking my weights log and writing it) i can easily last the 90 minutes needed.
  • Spooky_Scully
    Spooky_Scully Posts: 73 Member
    I would probably break my glasses with my incredible clumsiness if I tried to work out or run with them. Doesn't help that I wear big, nerdy 'goggles' hahah. :blushing:

    I wear contacts for work as its hard to wear my prescription glasses under safety glasses, so I just keep them in when I work out or run. I have less of a problem with sweat when I'm wearing contacts than glasses, and contacts don't fog up or fall off my nose making me look like a librarian!
  • edeonline
    edeonline Posts: 8 Member
    I had lasik in 2006, before that I used to take my glasses off because they would usually fall off. Although I wear sun glasses if running outside.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I wear 'em!
  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
    I wear my glasses all the time, if I'm doing cardio I might take them off for a bit. I wear them in the pool too, I hate not being able to see!
  • Marcel182
    Marcel182 Posts: 143 Member
    I never wear my glasses when I exercise. If I go running or biking I'll wear my contacts. If I workout at home, I'm fine
    with not seeing very far. :)
  • supermysza
    supermysza Posts: 167 Member
    I keep them on, they never bother me. Except for the pool :tongue:
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I have contacts, but I wear my eyeglasses when I exercise. I even wear them when I jog.
  • jennifries227
    jennifries227 Posts: 113 Member
    I wear my glass pretty much all the time, including when I'm working out. They're pretty well-fitted, so I don't have any trouble with them flying off or anything. They do fog up sometimes, but usually not all the way, so I can ignore it pretty easily.

    I honestly never thought about it. I need my glasses to see, so I wear them. I usually do workout DVDs, and although I've got them all but memorized, I still feel like I need to see them.
  • Calamitycazza
    Calamitycazza Posts: 87 Member
    My eyesight is terrible, but for some reason, I really dont like wearing my glasses when I workout! So I just go without. I think it's when I sweat, I dont like having them stuck around my face lol
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    I wear my contacts when I run - because I sweat and my glasses always slip down my nose and its really annoying.

    But for everything else I'm happy in my glasses, weights or stationary bike, row etc.

    I have prescription goggles for swimming.
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    I have used both but I tend to be a big "sweater" when I do cardio so I tend to wear contacts usually as I hate sweat drops hitting my glasses. It doesn't wipe off the lenses very well.
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    I don't like the feeling of trying to see without my glasses and I can't wear contacts so I work out with my glasses on. I have noticed some people pulling theirs off at my gym but I feel like I'd break mine.
  • Widadita
    Widadita Posts: 176 Member
    I always wear them while exercising, otherwise I would get headaches.
  • xenoa
    xenoa Posts: 106 Member
    Working out at home and without my glasses. Few times they came flying off or just slipped off while in a plank so it's safer to not wear them.
  • Zikhona123
    Zikhona123 Posts: 22 Member
    I put mine on all the time.
  • I keep them on, unless it's something with a ball.
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    Do you take off your glasses (either go "blind" or switch to contacts) when you work out? I've been going to the gym for a few weeks now and I never really think much about it but have always kept my glasses on. I don't see anyone else doing the same, though, and I guess I'm just curious how others go about it. I don't wear contacts at all, so it'd either be glasses or staring at blurry stuff while I work out, so maybe that's why I keep them on! Anyone else keep 'em on or is it really just me?

    I keep them on... unless I go swimming. :)