I can't lose weight? Eating well and training?


I can't seem to lose weight. I currently weigh 61kg.
I have been eating well with the one off cheat meal and I exercise 5 times a week - doing heavy weights and 35 min cardio intervals on bike or crosstrainer.

I can see my muscles getting toned but there is still a layer of fat, they just get bigger with a fat layer instead of the fat going away and being toned -_- I have a history of drug use - never eating/eating very low calories and partying all the time last 2 years slowed my metabolism down. I'm recovered now for 6 months and have upped my calories gradually over the last 4 months - now I am eating roughly 1500 calories.

How long will it take for my metabolism to get quicker? What else do i do to lose weight?


  • Hi Nastasyk,

    Since undereating is the problem, more undereating won't fix it. Gotta get that metabolism up so you're eating significantly more calories slowly over time, then, in a few months, you can slowly cut down again.

    I think you'd dig "Why eat less, exercise more is DEAD WRONG":


    Watch the videos and message me if you have any questions :)