What are your best healthy tips?



  • GBO323
    GBO323 Posts: 336 Member
    Here's what I've found really helpful on this journey..

    1. Mindset: Give yourself permission to be successful...and then be consistent with it....and allow yourself accident forgiveness, get up, and get back on-track for each slip up. Be IN IT TO WIN IT!

    2. Track Every Bite. Journal everything. No excuses. Pen, Paper, Computer, Tablet, Smartphone, etc. There's always a tracker nearby.

    3. Get a Pedometer and start with 7000 steps per day with a goal of 10,000 per day. My weight loss became more consistent when I was consistently walking. I don't sync my gear with MFP while in weight loss mode. When I was syncing it and enjoying more food, my weight loss was erratic. If my goal is 1500 per day, regardless of exercise, I still eat my 1500. Once I get to goal, I will sync it all up for maintenance moving forward. Considering it a gift for finishing.

    4. Once you start to fit into smaller clothes, SMILE, try new styles,etc..... and then donate your old clothes ASAP. You get a tax deduction AND no excuse for needing the old ones "just in case." I've found this being the difference in extra helpings at dinner and staying on plan.

    5. If you have an XBox, PS3/4, or Wii, go to GameStop and pick up a fitness or sports title. This helps for those rainy days or extremely hot days...or just any day you want to have fun and move.

    6. On recipes, try a few that are lightened favorites and a few new foods to expand your palette. I didn't know I loved seafood until I started looking for ways to eat healthier.

    7. Reward yourself along the way. Instead of looking at the total weight to lose, drop it in 5-10 pound increments. When you hit the 5 or 10 checkpoint, reward yourself with that new watch, new shoes, a fun day out....even rewarding with a special out to eat food night..that you can count and stay on plan with.

    8. Check In the MFP forums ever so often. It has helped me to read others' stories and ideas for moments of encouragement or inspiration.

    9. Weigh weekly. Some of us will go up and down on the scale....and emotionally when we see the day to day weight swings. Pick a day, weigh, and then put the scale up. You own the scale....it doesn't need a reason to own you.

    10. Get a before/during/after pic. Sometimes seeing the difference helps to motivate.

    5. Get the right tools for the kitchen. Measuring cups, spoons, sharp knives, NuWave oven. Clear out the old lingering no-no foods or foods that cause you to trip up.