iFit (anyone tried it?)

I have an iFit Treadmill which basically connects to the internet and automatically loads my next workout on to the treadmill. Jillian Michaels designed my running workouts and they are KILLER!

Anyone else had an experience using the iFit technology??


*Feel free to send me a friend request*


  • army_munchkin
    I also have an IFIT treadmill, not from Jillian Michaels but yes I love the runs and I have several different options depending on what my goals are!!!
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I have 3 of the Jillian Michaels iFit cards I love them!!!! I love how they take over my machine and make me work harder if i like it or not!! I have the Ellipitcal not a Treadmill How do you like the workouts for the Treadmill
  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member
    I LOVE the treadmill runs! They are so hard!!!!