noob her, 13 days in...

noob *here.. oopps!

Hi! I have just discovered mfp and the community here. This app made my understanding of nutrition so much clear. And I have so much to learn! I've lost 13lbs so far, without trying very hard. I already feel amazing inside my body too! The changes, just from this sort time of adjusting my nutrition, have been amazing! It's so easy!

I have a lot of back pain that is worsened from my extra weight. The thing is, I totally love myself, and don't feel I need to be small or thin or super fit or whatever to be happy... I already am. I'm just ready to have a body that can keep up with my happines. And not be in so much pain all the time. There is inside pain too. I have digestive issues that cause me to vomit if I get to nauseous, which happens if I don't eat, or wait to long to eat. Fun stuff.

My motivations are to not feel sick all the freaking time. Personally, I want to lose 100+ pounds. I'm ready to experience life differently, and hopefully a lot longer then if I do nothing!

This is the first time I've ever genuinely been excited about caring for my body thru nutrition and moment and I feel the weightloss will be the reward!

I also like to sing and I love pandas! Please friend me, I need people to show me the ropes and help me out with my nutritional questions now and then!

