Hi from Belgium

HI everyone, (sorry it will be long, and sorry if it's not always understandable, english is my second language)

I'm Kim from Belgium, I'm 24 years old, I'm a student in computer programming (in the top 3 students of my class, yeay!). I love computers(of course), playing video games( on computer i like left 4 dead 2, when you need to evacuate the rage, do it on zombies:laugh: , on the PS3 i liked The last of Us and Beyond: 2 souls), I watch a lot of TV shows in their original version, don't like the french dub(it's like chalk on a blackboard to my ears when it's not in its original version) (my favorite of all time: CSI NY (I'd kill to watch some Gary Sinise:tongue: ), but I also like Person of Interest, Suburgatory, Sleepy Hollow, The mentalist,...), and I also like to read (i like Jane Austen, which I'd lived in that century....)
I had an account on MyFitnessPal, but I decided to delete it to create a new one because during the time i logged my food I had a big binging problem, and seeing all the unhealthy food in my log made me so depressed. So i decided to start over, and for me it would be with a clean new account :)

So, I guess now is the time for a little story....
I've had weight problems since.... well... since I can remember. In my family, eating healthy has never been a concern. My father likes to cook with a block of butter, and my mother, although being more conscious about health now than when I was living there, wasn't the healthier cooker in the world. So I guess I kept bad habits from when I was living with my parents when I moved out. My ex boyfriend was the type of person who can eat whatever and never gain a pound. I followed how he was eating, and slowly I was gaining weight. Add to that that I wasn't very active and tada... catastrophe of the month is me.
In January 2013 I had an ankle surgery. I was so afraid to gain more weight I watched what I was eating. in 8 months i dropped from 68kg-150lbs(my heaviest, due to eating to much and also contraception.
I put on 10kg-20lbs at 19 when i started taking the contraceptive pill. I stopped using the pill and now have had a copper IUD for more than a year) to 64kg-141lbs. I'm between 4'11'' and 5'(1m52), so my BMI wasn't and still isn't in a healthy range.

I'm not into this journey to look like some paper model, which I personally find quite sick looking, not healthy at all, plus I've something they don't have: curves.
I'm into it to be healthy and yes also to be slimmer (not size 0 slim, but having a more toned body).
My "goal weight' is about 54 kg-120lbs, but I guess I'll stop when I feel good. Weight's only a number on a scale right?(well, according to me, it's only a number when you're in the healthy range, but that's my own opinion). Let's say I'll start to be happy when I reach the 56.5kg-125lbs, which will make me enter the healthy BMI club.

I originally started my journey in January. Went good for 2 months, then I don't know, I just snapped and got back to my binging habits. At the time i went down from 64kg-142lbs to 61.5kg-136lbs, but went up again to 63kg-139lbs because of my binging.

Well I guess that's it about me...

I hope I'll meet some great people here to be friends and keep each other motivated (something I can't find in real life because all of my friends have a healthy BMI and never diet. So all I hear is "you don't need to watch what you're eating you look great" which is nice, but I know i'm not healthy and not being healthy isn't great at all. My boyfriend is very supportive in my healthy journey as long as I don't drop too much weight and keep some curves, because he doesn't like thin women whom have no curves to cuddle:laugh: ).

Take care,
