I'm a beginner at Strength Training.

I don't do it so much...and I wanna tone myself and not have the excess skin at the end of my 100 pound journey. Strength training has always been a struggle..If i do anything with one leg..like leg extensions, I shake..I try doing crunches and it feels like my ribs hurt..and push-ups I can barely do..I have trouble holding myself up.

The doctors told my mom when I was a month old I had no muscle tone..I gained some strength over the years, but not much. These type of exercises are a struggle. What should i do? Where should i start. I need help. :(


  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    My 15-year old daughter got mono this past spring - she was a figure skater and within two weeks she had dropped 12 pounds and lost all of her strength - she couldn't even stand on her skates or go up and down the stairs! As she was recovering, I bought a 5 lb. medicine ball and had her doing this routine that I found on men's health website:


    she did the routine 3 x per week, as best she could. At first, she could barely do even half of the repetitions but within two months had the routine mastered and we raised her up to a 10 lb. ball. Don't be put off by the muscular guys in the picture - this is an easy routine to start and really helped my daughter regain her strength and muscle tone.

    Good luck!
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    Start small! Have you ever heard of the hundred pushups and 200 sit up challenges? ( onehundredpushups.com )--you can start slow and build up from there. The more you work at it, the easier it'll get. Do some easier things to start--lay on the ground and lift one leg and lower it 5 times, then the other, and build up from there. Make it your goal to do 1 push up x amount of times per day. Then two. Then three. As you use your muscles, you'll find things are easier to do.