Foods you used to dislike before eating healthy!

Allelito Posts: 179 Member
So I think many of us has at least one of these: Something that you tried before and didn't like at all - then you gave it another shot (maybe when you started to eat healthier) and now you LOVE it!

For me, it's:
Cottage Cheese - Tried it twice not more than a couple of years ago, and just went blehhh. Then I tried it again just like a month ago because I wanted to give it another chance.. It's DELICIOU!

Peanut Butter - I thought this was gross the first time I tried it, although I WAS lke 12 years old and thought it was gonna taste like Nutella.. It did take me like two or three times to eat it until I got used to it, and now for me it's like a friggin gift from the heavens, I don't know how I ever disliked PB!

Greek Yogurt - It was just too sour and different for me in the beginning, but now I use it for lots of stuff! I eat it with frozen berries (YUM!), with salmon, egg salad etc. Love it!

So how about you guys? :)


  • Tillyecl1
    Tillyecl1 Posts: 189 Member
    Celery - used to hate it, now I will happily snack on it (actually it's a bit weird but eating celery makes me quite sleepy so I tend to have it in the evening if I think I'm going to struggle to sleep, odd I know!)

    Tomatoes - still not a massive fan but I will eat them in a salad (which is quite a massive achievement for me)

    Hummus - i tend to dislike smooth textures (e.g mashed potato blerg) but now I really love hummus, still prefer the chunky one though :-)

    EDIT: I still can't bring myself to eat eggs or bananas, I know they are good for me but... eeeewwwww.
  • kdubby22
    kdubby22 Posts: 13 Member
    I strongly disliked hummus, collard greens, kale and tofu before I started changing my diet. Now, I love all 4 :)
  • kdubby22
    kdubby22 Posts: 13 Member
    I hate bananas too! I love banana flavored things (banana bread, smoothies, etc.) but I can't stand the consistency of a banana.
    Celery - used to hate it, now I will happily snack on it (actually it's a bit weird but eating celery makes me quite sleepy so I tend to have it in the evening if I think I'm going to struggle to sleep, odd I know!)

    Tomatoes - still not a massive fan but I will eat them in a salad (which is quite a massive achievement for me)

    Hummus - i tend to dislike smooth textures (e.g mashed potato blerg) but now I really love hummus, still prefer the chunky one though :-)

    EDIT: I still can't bring myself to eat eggs or bananas, I know they are good for me but... eeeewwwww.
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    Avocado is the biggest for me - hated it the first time. Then had it with chicken in a salad...not so bad!
    Porridge - used to hate everything about I have it everyday for breakfast with cinnamon - which I also used to dislike!
    Black coffee, no milk, no sugar
    Peanut butter - to be fair I always did like I cant get enough
    Skimmed milk
  • luvmydawgs
    luvmydawgs Posts: 182 Member
    Fish - I hated fish and now I love it!
    Water- I hated plain water now it is pretty much all I drink
    Almond Milk - Honestly never tried it but now I love it more than cows milk
    Tofu - Again never tried it but it is so versatile and I love it!
  • petefromguelph
    petefromguelph Posts: 84 Member
    Almond Milk
    Sweet Potato
    Greek Yogurt (still cant do regular but can do the Vanilla)

    I am sure there are more but these are the major ones!
  • Allelito
    Allelito Posts: 179 Member
    Avocado is the biggest for me - hated it the first time. Then had it with chicken in a salad...not so bad!
    Porridge - used to hate everything about I have it everyday for breakfast with cinnamon - which I also used to dislike!
    Black coffee, no milk, no sugar
    Peanut butter - to be fair I always did like I cant get enough
    Skimmed milk

    Forgot about Avocado! Same here, I used to think it was really gross, but now I really like it!