What macro-wrecking food/drink do you refuse to give up?

sjbtiger Posts: 105 Member
I can't quit my Chocolate and Caramel coffee creamer! It is full of crappy carbs (and God knows what else), but I can't seem to give it up.

I'm losing weight and have had no real problems watching my diet in other areas, but the few days I have tried to drink my coffee black or add just a touch of milk, I swear it ruins my day. I NEED my coffee (2 cups) in the morning at work and haven't stumbled upon anything nearly as delicious. At this point, I think I've made peace with leaving this one junk food indulgence in my life.

So what is your food or drink guilty pleasure?


  • Mar22ie
    Mar22ie Posts: 39 Member
    Pizza and cake. Not just any cake, but birthday cake. There is something about birthday cake. I'm ok not buying those things myself, but if it's put in front of me then I have a real issue. If it's in the house, it's calling out to me and I can't concentrate on other things very well. That's just sad lol. My current pizza issue is the Little Caesar pan square pepperoni pizza. Now I'm thinking about it. Great. Anway, pizza and bday cake. Seems like someone is always having a birthday and they tend to do pizza with it. I too am losing weight still, inspite of my little issue. Maybe I've learned how to do the moderation thing.
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    Sweet tea.

    I don't drink it with every meal anymore (I'm not even drinking it on a daily basis) but I refuse to say "I'll never have it ever again" .

    It is one of my favorite things ever, and if I can fit it in, I'm not going to worry about it.
  • amwoidyla
    amwoidyla Posts: 257 Member
    I can't quit my Chocolate and Caramel coffee creamer! It is full of crappy carbs (and God knows what else), but I can't seem to give it up.

    I'm losing weight and have had no real problems watching my diet in other areas, but the few days I have tried to drink my coffee black or add just a touch of milk, I swear it ruins my day. I NEED my coffee (2 cups) in the morning at work and haven't stumbled upon anything nearly as delicious. At this point, I think I've made peace with leaving this one junk food indulgence in my life.

    So what is your food or drink guilty pleasure?

    Same for me! It's the one thing I refuse to give up. Those 140 cals are SO worth it. The only time I'll sub almond milk is if I'm planning to eat out or know I'm going to have a high calorie day, but my morning just isn't quite the same.
    TNSLB Posts: 7 Member
    Definitely the cream & sugar in my morning coffee!
  • miniimuscles
    miniimuscles Posts: 89 Member
    Popcorn. Not terrible if I could stick to the serving size... which I can't.
  • sjbtiger
    sjbtiger Posts: 105 Member
    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one! And I agree with you amwoidyla, if I know I'm going to have a high calorie day or will be skipping my workout, I try to limit myself to just one cup or add skim milk instead.

    And I have learned to prefer my tea half-sweet, half unsweet, mtaylor33557, so that makes me feel a little less guilty about drinking it occasionally.
  • chad_phillips1123
    chad_phillips1123 Posts: 229 Member
    Bagels, popcorn, peanut butter. I can work them in, but I have to be cautious or else I blow macros and calories!
  • phantasmagical
    phantasmagical Posts: 66 Member
    Cheese! A life without the opportunity to explore yummy and sometimes not-so-yummy cheeses is no life at all...I'll just deal with having a fatty, calorie-laden snack in my food log 2 or 3 times a week, thank you very much! And, of course, with cheese comes chocolate and a nice malbec...
  • Steffani911
    Steffani911 Posts: 196 Member
    Loca Moca Monster. I love them. I used to drink two a day... yes two. Now I have about 3-4 a week, so I have cut back.

    The first thing I gave up was flavored coffee creamer. I was putting on weight and giving up creamer alone stopped that. I had to change my diet more to lose, but giving up coffee creamer was the first step I took. Silly when I think about it now how it was the start of all this for me.
  • cggregory22
    cggregory22 Posts: 2 Member
    Definitely chips and dip! Love the crunchiness of chips and flavor of dips. I have been trying to substitute with mini sweet peppers and fat free cream cheese stuffed inside or hummus. Also when I want to substitude for a healthier choice, I hop onto emilybites.com. She has amazing recipies, healthy choices and they are portion controled which helps me out tremendously. But all in all it's good to have that special treat once in awhile ;)
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member

    I have a chip problem. and it makes me sad that a handful is really a serving size....I have to at least have 3 servings....

    oh, and Taco Bell. I freaking love Taco Bell.