hi guys do u all worry about the protein ??

emkam11 Posts: 66 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
hi guys just a quik question i have -2 in my pretein normallly i never use all of my protein tbh, but today i still have like 350 cal left but i am -2 in my protein what would you all do in this case?????????????

sorry i am pretty new to all this and i have only been doin it for a week,
i did really really well last week just shows how much rubbish i normally eat as i was like 9lb lighter but i did normally eat lots and lots of crap i really did depression and choc go together, but last week i felt low but i was able to stay storng bless me

sorry about goin on any advice would be brill cheers guys xx



  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    People need to STOP WORRING about going over the protien and worry about going over salt, sugar, and calories. Those should be the top worries.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Exactly the opposite. I worry about meeting my protein goal. I work out for over an hour almost everyday and really need that extra protein especially now that I've gone from 15-20 minutes of lifting 3x/week to 50-60 minutes of lifting 3-4x/week. I'm set at 30% protein and I try my best to reach it everyday. That way I'm not as sore, I know I'll see results in my muscle growth & I'll be able to lose weight easily.
  • emkam11
    emkam11 Posts: 66 Member
    People need to STOP WORRING about going over the protien and worry about going over salt, sugar, and calories. Those should be the top worries.

    thank you hun thats made me feel better i wa sjust a little bit worried but i am happy now tahnk you , thing is i am having a chicken curry tahst what did it and tbh the curry is not that high in calories lol

  • emkam11
    emkam11 Posts: 66 Member
    Exactly the opposite. I worry about meeting my protein goal. I work out for over an hour almost everyday and really need that extra protein especially now that I've gone from 15-20 minutes of lifting 3x/week to 50-60 minutes of lifting 3-4x/week. I'm set at 30% protein and I try my best to reach it everyday. That way I'm not as sore, I know I'll see results in my muscle growth & I'll be able to lose weight easily.

    mmm intresting thanx for that hun xx
  • sgp329
    sgp329 Posts: 184
    depression and choc go together, but last week i felt low but i was able to stay storng bless me

    sorry about goin on any advice would be brill cheers guys xx


    Good for you! Bless you, indeed!

    As for the protein, don't sweat it. You will want to build muscle as you lose and your muscles need to be fed and they love protein. If it bothers you to see the numbers in red, you can adjust your goal on that a bit higher to allow for your usual intake and voila... no more red!

    Take care and have a great day!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The MFP settings for almost all the nutrients are really, really low. I should have a minimum of 63 grams of protein per day according to all medical sources. MPF sets me at 48.

    I do track it because I'm vegetarian and want to make sure I get enough. But I don't worry in the least about going over.

    As for sugar, mine is always super high because I eat a lot of fruit and whole grains. I don't eat a lot of refined sugar, so I don't track it. I don't track carbs because I'm not diabetic. And I don't track sodium because I don't add salt to anything, I don't eat many processed foods and my BP at my last doctor's appointment (two weeks ago) was 104/68.

    I track fiber because of that little thing called colon cancer. I track iron because I'm vegetarian. I track fat because I need to fill that last space with something.
  • emkam11
    emkam11 Posts: 66 Member
    depression and choc go together, but last week i felt low but i was able to stay storng bless me

    sorry about goin on any advice would be brill cheers guys xx


    Good for you! Bless you, indeed!

    As for the protein, don't sweat it. You will want to build muscle as you lose and your muscles need to be fed and they love protein. If it bothers you to see the numbers in red, you can adjust your goal on that a bit higher to allow for your usual intake and voila... no more red!

    Take care and have a great day!

    thank you for that i didnt realise but thats a good idea tbh i have never really thought about the whole protein thing hun , but now you mentioned it , i may up it i mean i dont normally go over and its never really worried befor i just thought oh my word i saw red lol

    hope u have agreat day too, my day is nearly over now just finishing off cooking tea then time to take the dog for a walk with the boys and then it will be bath and bed time for the boys and then time to chill for me lol
  • honeybee709
    honeybee709 Posts: 40 Member
    It seems that everyone concurs, but thought I would add my two cents as well. As you lose weight by cutting calories, your body burns fat but also burns muscle which is key to how your metabolism runs. The only way to preserve this muscle is to eat a lot of quality protein and to strength train. So absolutely protien is very important! I think they have low protein goals on here as well, people should be able to easily get about 50-60g a day.
  • emkam11
    emkam11 Posts: 66 Member
    The MFP settings for almost all the nutrients are really, really low. I should have a minimum of 63 grams of protein per day according to all medical sources. MPF sets me at 48.

    I do track it because I'm vegetarian and want to make sure I get enough. But I don't worry in the least about going over.

    As for sugar, mine is always super high because I eat a lot of fruit and whole grains. I don't eat a lot of refined sugar, so I don't track it. I don't track carbs because I'm not diabetic. And I don't track sodium because I don't add salt to anything, I don't eat many processed foods and my BP at my last doctor's appointment (two weeks ago) was 104/68.

    I track fiber because of that little thing called colon cancer. I track iron because I'm vegetarian. I track fat because I need to fill that last space with something.

    thank you for that , i like ur way of thinking hun
    it all makes so much sence u all have great ideas xx
  • emkam11
    emkam11 Posts: 66 Member
    It seems that everyone concurs, but thought I would add my two cents as well. As you lose weight by cutting calories, your body burns fat but also burns muscle which is key to how your metabolism runs. The only way to preserve this muscle is to eat a lot of quality protein and to strength train. So absolutely protien is very important! I think they have low protein goals on here as well, people should be able to easily get about 50-60g a day.

    thank you i have never really looked at it in that way untill now, as i have been worried about loosing the weight , and the exercise atm is not the end all and be all i try to go for a walk everynioght for a min of 45 min, and i am always on my feet on and off at work too, but i i think i may need to look at more work outs for me , i need to try and fit in in to my day, my first goals were startign well witht he diet and seeing how i got on instead of looking in to all of it to fast and giving up, as i am worried tahtw hen i loose the weight i want to where i go from ther elol

  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    I have another view on the protein you can have to much mainly if you have liver or kidney disease. .4 grams per pound is what you should have. Its not likely that you can get to much protein though. Also sugar is not the enemy either. Even though that seems to be what a lot of people focus on. I say fat is your most important. You need fat but try not to eat saturated fats. Basically try to stay close to what is allotted. It won't hurt a lot if your a few off here and there. Try to get your water in and try to eat your calories without adding a lot of bad food. What I would do is eat something without much protein to bring up your calories for the day in that case. Maybe some fruit or veggies. Don't stress over it though. If you start to stress on the whole thing you won't stick with it. It's a learning process and you will get the hang of it. I have been on here 7 weeks and am just now getting things pretty steady. You can do it. If you don't eat your calories and are always low then your body will go into starvation mode and you will stop losing. Just keep it up. You will get it. :happy:
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    I workout really hard doing circuit training with weights for 60 min three days a week and I run between 30-60 min the other three days (rest on sunday) so, my protein intake needs to be a lot higher than MFP allots. So, I customized mine. I changed it to 40%protein, 40% carbs, 20% fat. That'll give you a whole lot more protein to work with. Just be careful you eat it evenly throughout the day. I weigh 135 lbs and my body can only absorb about 25g. of protein at a time anything more with just go right through you...I try to eat between 140-170 g. a day....so you have to plan it out pretty well in order to get it all in and actually let your body break it down and use it
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I consider the protein and fiber numbers to be minimums rather than maximums.

    While I try to stay under my goal number in calories and fat, I try to go over in protein and fiber. I wouldn't worry about protein being too high unless you're over double your goal.
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