The Scale is really NOT moving much! :(



  • R_Woodruff
    R_Woodruff Posts: 74 Member
    Invest in a tape measurer and track your inches instead of your weight. The scale will throw your weight up and down all the time, but if you're seeing that you're shrinking instead of just losing lbs. it might help your self esteem. It sure helps me when the scale doesn't move much!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Omg some of these replies :huh: :noway:
  • mrsfyredude
    mrsfyredude Posts: 177 Member
    Ooooo I'm jealous! I'm 5'4" as well, SW 165 CW 152 and I JUST got down to a size 10! Take a look around my diary, I average about 1360 calories per day with eating back exercise calories (it might seem confusing because I calorie cycle but my food notes explain my calorie goals per day). I agree with everyone to reevaluate your calorie needs and to start measuring!

    I'm jealous of BOTH of you, 5'4, CW 162 and STILL can't fit into Size 10! WTH?! :angry: :huh:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I know what your going through. Your probably loosing fat... muscle weighs more. I have to limit the amount of weight I use because I pack on muscle very easily. Here are some things that have helped me when I've hit a plateau. Please disregard the poor spelling.

    First measure our case this will be your indication that things are going as planned.

    -Try not to eat late. I try not to eat after 6pm (haha, I TRY, I don't always succeed)
    -Eat your bigger meals earlier in the day. For example, if my husband makes something full of too many calories or carbs and I really want to eat it...I'll have something lighter instead but take the tasty meal for lunch the next day.
    -Make sure your getting enough protein... and enough fiber.
    -Watch your sodium... you need it if your working out and sweating a lot but if you're having too much then even trying to flush it out with more fluids won't work.... you'll just puff up.
    -Make sure you drink enough water (I'm guilty of not doing this...I substitute the word "fluids" in that suggestion) But watch out for sugary drinks.
    -Definately weigh or measure everything. It got a real eye opener when I started doing that.
    -Get enough sleep if you can. Here is what I found out about myself.... If I am tired, I eat.... I could have just eaten an hour ago but I'm eating again....My body tries to compensate with food to increase energy.

    In my case, I have hit a plateau and have started gaining weight but my cloths are looser. Sooo.....I have cut out all sugar... synthetic or otherwise. I also cut out many dairy items (but not all) I no longer have 1/2 & 1/2 in my coffee and cut out the string cheese in my lunch... but I have cottage cheese for breakfast sometimes. I've added flax seed, changed out my mayo and now use the olive-oil mayo, exchanged my milk (in coffee) for nothing in my coffee...

    Now I am starting to slowly lose again.

    I hope it helps...these are just things that have helped me... they may not be right for everyone.

    the only thing I agree with in this post is to weigh/log/everything ..

    the rest is bunk …sorry, just being honest...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Maybe lifting to heavy? My trainer had me lifting heavy for awhile and I wasnt seeing the scale going down. I started lifting higher reps lower weight and it started coming off fast. I love weights but Ive learned to work up to lifting heavy until after I have some pounds off

    LOL OP said she already does this…

    random commenting without reading original post…*face palm*
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OP here is my advice…

    Make sure that you have a food scale and are weighing, logging, measuring everything that you consume.
    Keep lifting heavy.
    Not sure what your macros are set to but change them in custom setting to 40% protein, 30% fats, 30% carbs..

    It sounds like you are having progress without the scale moving, this is a good thing.

    Also, keep in mind that weight loss is not linear….it will drop, go up, stay the same, but as long as the overall trend is down then you are good to go….
  • mserrano30
    mserrano30 Posts: 10 Member
    great advice!!! :wink:
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    I stay under 1200calories per day.

    I beleive this is your problem. Stop starting yourself.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Sounds to me like you have a good thing going OP. Only thing I'd change is maybe ignore the scale for a bit and come back to it later. Don't psych yourself out just because of one type of measure.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    About three years ago I took a weight loss journey and logged my weight and intake religiously. Here was the result of that 8 months in terms of weight loss.

    img host

    Looks great right? Here is the thing though. Look at it on any month long scale and it doesn't look like I'm losing weight at all and that was my experience. It always felt like day after day week after week the scale was just fluctuating, but over the period of many months the trends was obvious and in fact very predictable. That one outlier around September where my weight dropped a ton then went back up was because of a 170 mile backpacking trip.

    Like ndj1979 said "Also, keep in mind that weight loss is not linear….it will drop, go up, stay the same, but as long as the overall trend is down then you are good to go…."

    If this "stall" of yours is over the period of 1 or 2 months I'm betting its nothing to worry about at all.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Maybe lifting to heavy? My trainer had me lifting heavy for awhile and I wasnt seeing the scale going down. I started lifting higher reps lower weight and it started coming off fast. I love weights but Ive learned to work up to lifting heavy until after I have some pounds off

    LOL OP said she already does this…

    random commenting without reading original post…*face palm*

    No no.....she might be lifting TOO heavy according to this post.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Maybe lifting to heavy? My trainer had me lifting heavy for awhile and I wasnt seeing the scale going down. I started lifting higher reps lower weight and it started coming off fast. I love weights but Ive learned to work up to lifting heavy until after I have some pounds off

    LOL OP said she already does this…

    random commenting without reading original post…*face palm*

    No no.....she might be lifting TOO heavy according to this post.

    Okay if you are lifting "too heavy" and as a result the scale doesn't go down the implied explanation is because you are packing on muscle (if the heavy lifting is what is to blame). If you see yourself putting on muscle and think "gee I wish I'd stop putting on muscle so I can make the number on the scale thingy go down" I must say I think you have some misplaced priorities.
  • erikasmith2013
    Maybe get a Heart monitor thingy so I can actually see the actual calories I am burning. Thanks

    Absolutely! When you're no longer "obese", being accurate with your intake and calories burned becomes more important. But you already have the skills you need. Just don't give up. Don't start getting crazy ideas of cutting way down on the calories. Ok? Slow and steady is the key. What do you have your loss per week goal set to? Maybe change it to 1 lb per week? or 0.5 lbs?

    I think I have it set to 2 lbs per week... maybe I am expecting too much. I will just keep working out like crazy and go from there. I know I can prob do a bit more than what I am pushing myself to (barely more...) but I will try it.
  • erikasmith2013
    'have you tried turning it off, and then turning it back on again?'


    seriously, though - a calorie shift is in order. your body is acclimated to what you are doing.
    your metabolism is on auto-pilot.
    you needa a spike in cals. a rest from the exercise. just for a few days.
    and then BAM! hit it.

    well done on the downsizing, too, lady. it ain't easy, so, brava!

    but look into calorie shifting. and keep on being healthy & happy.


    I do like the idea of taking a quick break and EAT... lol, I won't go overboard but maybe that is what I need and the same with my exercising. I like your input.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I think I have it set to 2 lbs per week...

    You're not 100 lbs overweight. Losing 2 lbs per week is way too aggressive. It just makes you frustrated and unable to stick to your plan. It leads to binging and bad moods. You've already lost 32 lbs! Consider adjusting your goals just a little. But in general, I think you'll be fine if you can stick with it. <3
  • erikasmith2013
    I know what your going through. Your probably loosing fat... muscle weighs more. I have to limit the amount of weight I use because I pack on muscle very easily. Here are some things that have helped me when I've hit a plateau. Please disregard the poor spelling.

    First measure our case this will be your indication that things are going as planned.

    -Try not to eat late. I try not to eat after 6pm (haha, I TRY, I don't always succeed)
    -Eat your bigger meals earlier in the day. For example, if my husband makes something full of too many calories or carbs and I really want to eat it...I'll have something lighter instead but take the tasty meal for lunch the next day.
    -Make sure your getting enough protein... and enough fiber.
    -Watch your sodium... you need it if your working out and sweating a lot but if you're having too much then even trying to flush it out with more fluids won't work.... you'll just puff up.
    -Make sure you drink enough water (I'm guilty of not doing this...I substitute the word "fluids" in that suggestion) But watch out for sugary drinks.
    -Definately weigh or measure everything. It got a real eye opener when I started doing that.
    -Get enough sleep if you can. Here is what I found out about myself.... If I am tired, I eat.... I could have just eaten an hour ago but I'm eating again....My body tries to compensate with food to increase energy.

    In my case, I have hit a plateau and have started gaining weight but my cloths are looser. Sooo.....I have cut out all sugar... synthetic or otherwise. I also cut out many dairy items (but not all) I no longer have 1/2 & 1/2 in my coffee and cut out the string cheese in my lunch... but I have cottage cheese for breakfast sometimes. I've added flax seed, changed out my mayo and now use the olive-oil mayo, exchanged my milk (in coffee) for nothing in my coffee...

    Now I am starting to slowly lose again.

    I hope it helps...these are just things that have helped me... they may not be right for everyone.

    Lots of valid points.... I thin i have to really invest in measuring what I eat but I still don't go crazy with it. I haven't had soda or anything like that in forever, it is water for me or Crystal Light. and as of Protein i actually go above what I am "supposed" to eating. I am though making myself drink LOTS of water bc that is my sin right there... No water until I am thirsty but I am currently changing that. Thanks for your advice.
  • erikasmith2013
    Maybe lifting to heavy? My trainer had me lifting heavy for awhile and I wasnt seeing the scale going down. I started lifting higher reps lower weight and it started coming off fast. I love weights but Ive learned to work up to lifting heavy until after I have some pounds off

    Wow.... and i never thought of doing that. I might have to try that. That is a great idea.
  • erikasmith2013
    Ooooo I'm jealous! I'm 5'4" as well, SW 165 CW 152 and I JUST got down to a size 10! Take a look around my diary, I average about 1360 calories per day with eating back exercise calories (it might seem confusing because I calorie cycle but my food notes explain my calorie goals per day). I agree with everyone to reevaluate your calorie needs and to start measuring!

    I'm jealous of BOTH of you, 5'4, CW 162 and STILL can't fit into Size 10! WTH?! :angry: :huh:

    I am cracking up in here... well I am a Latina woman so all of my weight was Butt and hips, now that that is under control I can fit my size 10's, however I am jealous of both your CW...that is my goal! :(
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I know what your going through. Your probably loosing fat... muscle weighs more. I have to limit the amount of weight I use because I pack on muscle very easily. Here are some things that have helped me when I've hit a plateau. Please disregard the poor spelling.

    First measure our case this will be your indication that things are going as planned.

    -Try not to eat late. I try not to eat after 6pm (haha, I TRY, I don't always succeed)
    -Eat your bigger meals earlier in the day. For example, if my husband makes something full of too many calories or carbs and I really want to eat it...I'll have something lighter instead but take the tasty meal for lunch the next day.
    -Make sure your getting enough protein... and enough fiber.
    -Watch your sodium... you need it if your working out and sweating a lot but if you're having too much then even trying to flush it out with more fluids won't work.... you'll just puff up.
    -Make sure you drink enough water (I'm guilty of not doing this...I substitute the word "fluids" in that suggestion) But watch out for sugary drinks.
    -Definately weigh or measure everything. It got a real eye opener when I started doing that.
    -Get enough sleep if you can. Here is what I found out about myself.... If I am tired, I eat.... I could have just eaten an hour ago but I'm eating again....My body tries to compensate with food to increase energy.

    In my case, I have hit a plateau and have started gaining weight but my cloths are looser. Sooo.....I have cut out all sugar... synthetic or otherwise. I also cut out many dairy items (but not all) I no longer have 1/2 & 1/2 in my coffee and cut out the string cheese in my lunch... but I have cottage cheese for breakfast sometimes. I've added flax seed, changed out my mayo and now use the olive-oil mayo, exchanged my milk (in coffee) for nothing in my coffee...

    Now I am starting to slowly lose again.

    I hope it helps...these are just things that have helped me... they may not be right for everyone.

    Lots of valid points.... I thin i have to really invest in measuring what I eat but I still don't go crazy with it. I haven't had soda or anything like that in forever, it is water for me or Crystal Light. and as of Protein i actually go above what I am "supposed" to eating. I am though making myself drink LOTS of water bc that is my sin right there... No water until I am thirsty but I am currently changing that. Thanks for your advice.

    actually most of what is in that post is bunk …except for the weighing part….
  • erikasmith2013
    OP here is my advice…

    Make sure that you have a food scale and are weighing, logging, measuring everything that you consume.
    Keep lifting heavy.
    Not sure what your macros are set to but change them in custom setting to 40% protein, 30% fats, 30% carbs..

    It sounds like you are having progress without the scale moving, this is a good thing.

    Also, keep in mind that weight loss is not linear….it will drop, go up, stay the same, but as long as the overall trend is down then you are good to go….

    Your comments are harsh but funny. Yes i will set it now to custom and will buy a scale (scared but it is necessary. I do like lifting heavy that is why i was wondering if I should stop that.