This is why America is so fat!



  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I couldn't believe it when I read that only 5% of us get vigorous exercise daily. That is a horribly low amount! Here is the article:

    Well, that's one reason why America is so fat, but so is this:

    Okay. Is it bad that with some of them, my mouth was watering? lol I won't eat that *kitten*, cuz I KNOW it's terrible for me, but my body knows it tastes yummy. haha
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I think you are missing the intent of my message. While everyone is responsible for their own bodies, we have a culture that praises and pushes things upon us, that are bad for us (who as a child didn't want to go to McDonalds to get a happy meal with a toy?). The starving child comment was more to illustrate that habits formed as little children (as well as phobias, hangups, etc...) are hard to break. It's not as if the media shies away from telling us from informing us as to which foods are bad for us. Heck, many local and state governments are doing their best to outright banning certain foods (look at NYC). And yet, the country continues to get heavier. I'm certainly not assigning blame. I'm just making an observation about the situation.

    Not everyone has the same access to quality food and quality education about what they eat. It may be easier to just point a finger and say, "you're fat and it's all your own fault", but I'd rather put my energy into helping the situation.

    Your statement "Not everyone has the same access to quality food and quality education about what they eat" is the key point. Why would someone who struggles financially not want to order from the dollar menu and get a complete meal? Why wouldn't a processed box of noodles and chemicals with some sort of vegetable be healthy? And really, a lot of people don't care where their food comes from as long as it tastes good and is cheap. This is such a problem because the big industries don't care what they put in it either, as long as people are buying. We all need to remember, what you buy is like voting. The more organics and natural fresh foods you buy, the more we can sway the country to be healthy.

    I find this interesting! I have to eat unhealthy things when we run out of more healthy stuff to eat in our house. The fact of the matter is, healthy food is more expensive. You have to take more of it in, because you have to get all of your calories! Are we eating poorly because we ARE poor? I think that's part of the problem.
  • truckerchic
    truckerchic Posts: 58 Member
    A lot of good points made here, it is not just one factor that makes us a fat nation but with all the information available today no one can say they didnt know that a greasy burger is bad and fruit is good. Time and money I think plays a major roll along with the marketing of things. When you are short on time running around from work picking up the kids shopping house work go go go etc you decide to stop for a bite to eat or snack but if you are faced with healthy or cheap most times cheap wins out...Quick example I was craving chocolate I stopped at the truckstop got a regular size Hershey bar cost 1.29 the cashier points out the I could get 2 king size for $2.00.hard deal to pass up, but I did after telling the cashier several times no I dont want the deal.
    When it comes down to it Im the only one who is in control of me just as lori has said, the information is out there, and there are ways to eat healthy on a budget you just have to work at it a little doing some planning. We leave far to much up to the government and blame others I was abused mentally physically and sexually, used, felt unloved but at the end of the day it is me who made the choice to be fat, now I make the choice everyday to be healthy. Work can wait while I take a walk, if Im hungry I will spend the extra quarter to eat a bit better, the kids can ride a bike or walk to practice, housework will be there after I focus on me for a moment, I make the choices I control my life
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Tell me about it! Plus, unhealthy CONVENIENT foods are soooo readily and easily available to us! It's no wonder, when I leave this country, that I lose weight!

    And don't forget cheaper, atleast locally.
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    A lot of good points made here, it is not just one factor that makes us a fat nation but with all the information available today no one can say they didnt know that a greasy burger is bad and fruit is good. Time and money I think plays a major roll along with the marketing of things. When you are short on time running around from work picking up the kids shopping house work go go go etc you decide to stop for a bite to eat or snack but if you are faced with healthy or cheap most times cheap wins out...Quick example I was craving chocolate I stopped at the truckstop got a regular size Hershey bar cost 1.29 the cashier points out the I could get 2 king size for $2.00.hard deal to pass up, but I did after telling the cashier several times no I dont want the deal.
    When it comes down to it Im the only one who is in control of me just as lori has said, the information is out there, and there are ways to eat healthy on a budget you just have to work at it a little doing some planning. We leave far to much up to the government and blame others I was abused mentally physically and sexually, used, felt unloved but at the end of the day it is me who made the choice to be fat, now I make the choice everyday to be healthy. Work can wait while I take a walk, if Im hungry I will spend the extra quarter to eat a bit better, the kids can ride a bike or walk to practice, housework will be there after I focus on me for a moment, I make the choices I control my life

    AMEN! And good for you for taking the steps needed to be healthier! We can all find excuses to not be healthy but I'd rather search for the reasons TO be healthy!!