How to become a morning gym-goer?!

I have never been to the gym first thing in the morning and honestly it's difficult for me to get out of bed at 7:15AM to get to work on time! Then usually at the end of a long work day I'm too tired and have no energy or drive to go to the gym. How can I become a morning gym-goer? As silly at this sounds, I have a seriously difficult time waking up in the mornings and I feel like it's more of an issue for me than most. I habitually hit snooze at least 10 times.

Also, should I eat before I go or do a fasted work out?

Any input is greatly appreciated! :)


  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    I have never been to the gym first thing in the morning and honestly it's difficult for me to get out of bed at 7:15AM to get to work on time! Then usually at the end of a long work day I'm too tired and have no energy or drive to go to the gym. How can I become a morning gym-goer? As silly at this sounds, I have a seriously difficult time waking up in the mornings and I feel like it's more of an issue for me than most. I habitually hit snooze at least 10 times.

    Also, should I eat before I go or do a fasted work out?

    Any input is greatly appreciated! :)

    The bolded is exactly why I had to start going in the morning. First thing I would suggest is find someone willing to work out with you in the morning. It helps when you know someone is counting on you being there.

    Next, set your alarm and get out of bed. It gets easier as time goes on. Don't get me wrong though, there are still some days it isn't easy. This morning I really did not want to get up, but my wife was supposed to meet someone at the gym so we rolled out of bed. Ended up having an awesome workout. Funny thing is, the person we were supposed to meet did not show up.

    As far as eating. it is up to you. Some people say you should eat something, and others say eat when you are hungry. I personally do not eat before an early AM workout and have not suffered any from it. Others say they start getting the shakes if they don't eat something.
  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    I go to sleep in my gym clothes and set my alarm on the other side of the room. That way I have to get up to turn it off, and I am already dressed :) It works really well for me, and I am not a morning person either but I go at 6:30AM mon-fri.

    I personally do not eat since it's so early. But I get stomach aches if I eat too quickly before waking up, so I am very used to late breakfasts. If you do need something, try a little bit of a shake or smoothie. It's light enough that you won't be ill, and it's nourishing.

    Also, pack your gym bag BEFORE YOU GO TO BED. If you wake up and have to pack, it's just that much easier to blow it off.
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    First thing I would suggest is find someone willing to work out with you in the morning. It helps when you know someone is counting on you being there.

    I second this. It's the only way I get up in the morning. If I'm not accountable to someone else, it is not going to happen no matter how much I tell myself I'll be glad I went.

    I also work out at night, I kind of do different things on different days, but the best way to do an after work workout is to go straight to the gym from work. Don't go home, don't stop at the store, don't do anything else, and just make it part of your day, like "this is what I do", and it works for me. Pack your gym bag before you leave in the morning and have it in the car ready to go.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    By going to the gym at night
  • JohnIVC
    JohnIVC Posts: 26 Member
    I just started my weight loss journey 3 weeks ago and morning workouts are best to fit in with job/family. I'm up at 5:30 and am in the gym by 6am. Most days I hate 5:30 - but I find what works for me is to turn off the alarm and without a thought sit up and get my feet on the floor and get moving - within minutes the grogginess is gone. Like others - I have everything for the workout and my work day already packed/laid out the night before including lunch and a fruit/protein shake. I joked with my wife how many calories I must burn now just getting ready for the next day. I drink the shake on my way to the gym and then have a 2nd breakfast when I get to work. If I didn't get that shake in it'd be 2 hours from wake up to first meal - way too long. I'm taking a slow approach to the weight loss, but have now lost 7 lbs in 3 weeks.
  • amw5471
    amw5471 Posts: 111 Member
    The night before I pack my work clothes/towel/toiletries etc, pack my lunch and snacks, and lay out my gym clothes so I am ready to go. I also set an alarm around 9:30 that I need to start prepping for bed to try to be asleep between 10-10:30 since I have to wake up at 5 to get to the gym and showered before work.

    Before I got in the hang of it the morning of I would set 5 alarms one minute apart so I had to get off, no snooze possible with multiple alarms on my phone! I then throw on my prepacked gym clothes and brush my teeth. I grab an apple or banana to eat on the way to the gym and have a better breakfast packed with my lunch to eat when I get to work. I am usually out of the house in 15-20 minutes since I do so much prep the day before.

    Good luck! It is so nice having the rest of the day open when you work out in the morning. I always say the best part of going to the gym is walking out and us morning people get to walk out WAY earlier. I also find I'm in a better mood and more alert at work when I go to the gym in the morning.
  • msbeeblebrox
    msbeeblebrox Posts: 133 Member
    Fake it till you make it. Or work out in the pm and your energy levels will eventually adjust.