What time do you weigh yourself?

Morning, noon, evening? Before or after eating?

I never really set a specific time to weigh myself... I feel like it's cheating if I weigh myself in the morning before I've eaten anything. I'm always at least 1/ 1/2lbs lighter after I wake up.

How about you?


  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    Best time to weight and which I do is first thing after peeing, same place, same time every week :)
  • RomulanWarbird
    Best time to weight and which I do is first thing after peeing, same place, same time every week :)

    What she said! First thing in the morning once a week or every two weeks.

    Sometimes I weigh randomly throughout the week too, especially when I'm bloated or I can feel that I have water weight just to remind myself that the scale fluctuates and not to freak out if I suddenly weigh more.

    Might be kind of strange, but it helps me cope if my weekly weigh-in is up- because usually it's just water retention. Also take your measurements two times a month- inches should be even more encouraging than pounds because that's what people see!
  • BahamaMama85
    BahamaMama85 Posts: 43 Member
    Every Monday morning, as soon as I get up, in my birthday suit ,after I've peed.
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    Morning, noon, evening? Before or after eating?

    I never really set a specific time to weigh myself... I feel like it's cheating if I weigh myself in the morning before I've eaten anything. I'm always at least 1/ 1/2lbs lighter after I wake up.

    How about you?

    It's recommended that you weigh in the mornings, AFTER you use the bathroom and BEFORE you eat. If you do this consistently, this will give you the most accurate numbers (for using a scale)... I would also advise to take measurements periodically because the scale isn't always accurate anyway.
  • chaemd
    chaemd Posts: 38 Member
    8am, Monday mornings, after I use the bathroom, before I eat or drink anything, same scale, no clothes. Even if this is skewed, being consistent means that all things are equal.
  • LeighTaylor97
    LeighTaylor97 Posts: 16 Member
    I am the same as everyone here. In the morning, after I use the bathroom, and in my birthday suit. For weight loss I am more concerned about having an accurate account of what I'm losing more than it being off a pound or two. Weighing at another time of the day will be more dependent on your day, and the variability will be much higher. So this is the most consistent. I don't see it as "I want to weigh myself when I'm the lightest", just that I want a good account for what I'm losing.

    I also weigh myself everyday. I used to once a week, but the suspense was too much and if I didn't lose much over that week I felt very depressed. Doing it every day desensitizes me to it a bit, and I can track patterns. I write it on a calendar and also put down if I ate something like a big mac or ice cream to see how that affects my weight over the next few days. It's actually really interesting to watch your body react to things good and bad. I just wanted a good understanding of my body.
  • jjennyb4
    jjennyb4 Posts: 1,581 Member
    Every morning
  • msbeeblebrox
    msbeeblebrox Posts: 133 Member
    I weigh in the mornings before eating and after going to the bathroom. Occasionally, I weigh in the afternoons due to curiosity. Scale fluctuations are fascinating to me. I never record the afternoon weights, though.
  • MBrothers22
    MBrothers22 Posts: 323 Member
    Wake up, "empty" yourself, get nekkid, and jump on the scale
  • skyerulz
    skyerulz Posts: 54 Member
    I'm a creature of habit when it comes to weigh-ins, I blame W.W, LOL I weigh in every Wed morning right before I start getting ready for work. I try not to weight myself during the rest of the week or before Wed, that only tends to discourage me.
  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    Tuesday mornings at 4:45 am
  • RomulanWarbird
    I weigh in the mornings before eating and after going to the bathroom. Occasionally, I weigh in the afternoons due to curiosity. Scale fluctuations are fascinating to me. I never record the afternoon weights, though.

    I'm the same way about the fluctuations haha!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Morning, noon, evening? Before or after eating?

    I never really set a specific time to weigh myself... I feel like it's cheating if I weigh myself in the morning before I've eaten anything. I'm always at least 1/ 1/2lbs lighter after I wake up.

    How about you?

    LOL...and how is the weight of food or beverage or waste in your system relevant to your body weight and fat? Silly....do you even understand how any of this works? Do you understand that you didn't gain 1.5 Lbs of fat because you ate something...that food and beverage and waste have mass and thus weight?
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    I weigh myself most mornings after my shower but before breakfast. the one that counts is monday mornings as I log that one on different contests
  • TKhamvongsa
    TKhamvongsa Posts: 287
    Every Saturday - after pooing and peeing lol.
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    I am the same as everyone here. In the morning, after I use the bathroom, and in my birthday suit. For weight loss I am more concerned about having an accurate account of what I'm losing more than it being off a pound or two. Weighing at another time of the day will be more dependent on your day, and the variability will be much higher. So this is the most consistent. I don't see it as "I want to weigh myself when I'm the lightest", just that I want a good account for what I'm losing.

    This is why I think anyone weighs in the morning, - it is the lightest you will be all day probably, but it's a consistent time of day and you are likely not holding a lot of water weight at that time of day (part of the days fluctuations is definitely in water)
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    Every Sunday morning, before I eat, after I use the bathroom and shower with no clothes, same place and generally the same time give or take a half hour or so. That way it is the most consistent.