81 days logging in... first time posting

Hi all. I've been diligently logging in every day, and then stealthily lurking through the forums. Just figured I'd finally get that first post out of the way.

I'm 43 and rigorously (finally!) converting myself into somebody fit and healthy. So far I've managed to get my body fat down from 24% to 19%, both losing fat and putting on muscle (5'7, 183 lbs lean at last skin fold a few weeks ago). Aiming for 15% (another 10ish pounds to lose).

Most importantly, my fitness has gone up massively, and I believe absolutely that I am more fit now than I was at 20. Significantly more muscle mass, strength and endurance, and I'm running my first official 5K in a few weeks time. I've successfully done a test run with hills (the first off the treadmill after this wretched winter), and intend to do more events over the summer. Perhaps a 10K is in the cards a year from now, but I don't consider myself a *runner* (not at my weight target, lean though it is) since I love lifting and having muscle mass... the classic lanky runner physique just isn't me.

Anyway. Back to lurking. I expect I'll pop into an occasional thread and add 2 cents.