Looking for fun and motivated buddies!

Hello, my name is Desiree. I am 3 months postpartum, and ready to get back track to a healthy lifestyle. I have even more reason too, now that I have my beautiful daughter that I will be chasing around. Being a chubby girl all my life has almost programmed me to fall out of the mood or give up easily on my weightless journey. I really need friends there for me, particularly the ones who are signing in everyday, posting their healthy meal choices, and showing that they are active. I love this, because I start to tell myself, "If they can do it, then so can I". In turn I can be that support too. Feel free to send a friend request and read my profile :) Thanks


  • mojpal
    mojpal Posts: 44 Member
    Welcome Desire! You can add me if you want. I would love to have you on my team. Btw your daughter is sooo cute :)
  • salpacheco
    salpacheco Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Desiree. Welcome to My Fitness Pal. Congrats on baby and bettering your health. I have been on and off with this for awhile. Now I'm gonna stay. :smile: