calling all runners, half marathoners

Hey there! I just found out that the rock n roll half marathon is going to be here in my state. Problem is ... it is less than six weeks away. Now I am a somewhat new runner, but I know that I CAN run. I really want to participate in this half-marathon. I average 25-40 miles per week, my casual run is 7.5 miles and I do that 3 or 4 times every week. I have one long run day per week and that is usually 10 miles, I have run that 3 times so far. I am thinking that I am capable of this but would like some advice on whether or not this is a good idea based on my running capabilities. Like I said I am still somewhat new so I don't know .. my heart is telling me "go for it!" and my brain is like "is this a good idea?". I would really like some feedback before I shell out over 250 dollars on registration,hotel, transportation.
if I do do it, I plan to take my long run up to 12 miles before the race, and I also run a mile usually in under 10.00 min if not just above.
Thanks in advance :)


  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    You could finish it based on the information you provided. But, if you have a time goal that might be a little different. It depends on what your goals are.

    Most novice training programs for half marathons do not exceed 40 miles a week and do not cover more than 10 miles a week for their long run. They also don't incorporate speed work for your time.
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    I'd say you are in a good position to make it across the finish line.
  • miche_smash
    miche_smash Posts: 131 Member
    Do it! I ran my first half in November. I followed a training program and my longest run was 12 miles about 2 weeks before the race. I had only ever run 5k and 10ks until then. I consistently worked up my long runs from 7 to 8 to 9 and so on each week, with a couple of short runs per week. I ran my half with an average of 10 min per mile. Hard work but SO worth it! If you can run 10 miles now, you can definitely do it :)
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    Oh, with your current mileage you can most definitely run a half in 6 weeks. You may not make a competitive time goal, but who cares? It's your first half :) Given your base, you can start around week 6 of any 12 week training program pretty easily in my opinion. If you currently run four days a week, I'd keep that up but make one of your "casual" runs a speedwork session.

    Have a great time!
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    Oh yeah, you totally got this. Stick with a couple of short runs during the week, and one long run. You can stick with 10 for your long since you are already doing this, or you can go up to 11 two weeks before the race, and then do like 6 the week before. You are all set for this, I say go for it!! And have fun!
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    DO IT!!!! you are ready. just continue what you are doing add a few more miles in and you will do great. ours is June 1 and my longest is 4.8 miles so I'm no where near ready. but I'm shooting for next year. you can do it!!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I've seen a lot worse. And it isn't like the racing police are going to be running behind you and whipping you if you needed to walk. I think you're good.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I think you should be able to finish. And also think of it this what if you have to walk at the end? It gives you reason to keep training and improving so your time is better next time. If you want to do it, then do it! I'm sure you will surprise yourself.
  • ludgerclay
    ludgerclay Posts: 95 Member
    You could finish it based on the information you provided. But, if you have a time goal that might be a little different. It depends on what your goals are.

    Most novice training programs for half marathons do not exceed 40 miles a week and do not cover more than 10 miles a week for their long run. They also don't incorporate speed work for your time.

    ^^ What he says. If it's your first Half, then you'll have a new PR, right?
  • DavidMartinez2
    DavidMartinez2 Posts: 840 Member
    I don't see any reason you wouldn't be able to finish the race and RnR events are pretty good for first timers. My biggest issue with them has been the price of their races, if you are ok with that you should have a good time.
  • jenn26point2
    jenn26point2 Posts: 429 Member
    You're already trained. Go for it.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    You're already trained. Go for it.

    Agree. If you can run 10 miles, you can run a half marathon.
  • pimpin_po
    pimpin_po Posts: 120 Member
    Whoa. Thank you everyone for the responses! I think that I will go ahead and register and write up my training plan today! I seriously appreciate all the quick responses.

    also, I'm just aiming to complete it in under 2:30 and I would not be upset if it took longer or if I ended up walking.
  • sammyneb
    sammyneb Posts: 257
    Oh, with your current mileage you can most definitely run a half in 6 weeks. You may not make a competitive time goal, but who cares? It's your first half :) Given your base, you can start around week 6 of any 12 week training program pretty easily in my opinion. If you currently run four days a week, I'd keep that up but make one of your "casual" runs a speedwork session.

    Have a great time!

  • josavage
    josavage Posts: 472 Member
    I agree with everyone who said you can do it! Hal Higdon's beginning training program goes to 10 miles for a half. If your goal is to finish, you are in great shape already. If you had a time goal, I would suggest finding one a little further out that you could train properly for. I've done RNR Chicago and it's a fun race with bands along the course and good crowd support. Have fun!
  • RyanDryFly
    RyanDryFly Posts: 92 Member
    From what you've said you are totally ready to run a half. I just finished my second and was only running around 25 miles per week. Here's a link with pictures of my first and second race if you're interested.

    Best of luck...You are going to do great!!!!:smile:
  • katseguin
    katseguin Posts: 52 Member
    absolutely! you're on the right track for sure. Rock the Rock 'n Roll marathon:)
  • pimpin_po
    pimpin_po Posts: 120 Member
    It is so spendy! but all the other halfs around my parts that are upcoming seem dull and I prefer to not have to travel out of state. :)