exercising 5-6 times a week & feeling burnt out

jzs20 Posts: 58 Member
I'm on week 5 of insanity, cycle 4-5 miles a day and take spinning once or twice a week and lately (past 2 weeks or so) I feel burnt out and weak... I could use some advice to really get back to peak performance,

I just bought some whey protein,glutamine and amino acid supplements... Hoping that I can recover and keep this routine going. I don't plan on giving up


  • kaylatee0
    kaylatee0 Posts: 65 Member
    No supplements will do what good old fashioned rest will. I fell into this trap also, I worked out every day non stop for MONTHS we're talking 1-3 hours of cardio per day, and I wasn't eating nearly enough.

    Now I workout 6 days per week with one dedicated day of rest and then every 2 months I take 4 days off to recharge.

    Take some time off to either ease up and go light, or stop altogether for a few days, wait until your body tells you it's time to go back!

    After suffering a recent injury I had to take about a week off and when I got back, my performance was a thousand times better.

    Best nip it in the bud!

    Having said that, there are benefits to using some of the supplements you've mentioned, just don't rely on them to fix your problem.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    How much are you eating?
  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    Have you thought about doing a "cut back" week? When training for endurance sports like marathon running and triathlons there is usually 3 weeks of "build" and then a cut back week. It allows for some extra recovery. Try a week with only 3 workouts and then go back to what you were doing the following week. Might work for you.
  • Devasation
    Devasation Posts: 145 Member
    Agreed. You're doing too much. You need a recovery week (a week where you do light workouts every other day or so), or a few days in which you don't exercise at all. I'm coming up at to the end of my current beachbody program and I'm definitely going to take a rest week after I'm done.
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    I can relate. When I did Insanity, I was also playing up to 5 hockey games per week. I think I was definitely doing too much at that time as well as not eating enough.

    I am doing T25 now, which as you may know, is a shorter workout, and I've also scaled back on my other activities. I'm also generally eating MORE now than I was then. I am feeling really good now with plenty of energy. There is a lot of good advice on the forums about TDEE/BMR. I've set my calories using those calculations which already have my exercise calories built in.

    I would say if you want to maintain that level of activity, it's important to make sure you're eating enough!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Could be a number of things or a combination - but I doubt supplements are the answer.

    1/ Lack of rest / over-training
    2/ Lack of sleep
    3/ Poor macro balance
    4/ Too big a calorie deficit

    If I had to guess then I would guess #4 but as your food diary is private only you will know.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,662 Member
    unless your training for some atheltic competition/goal, honestly whats the point of all that cardio?

    presumably you want to hang onto the muslce you have, so running a gigantic defecit isn't the greatest idea.

    therefore you'd have to eat more to stay at a resonable defecit.

    If your not trying to lose wieght, why all the cardio?

    if you are training for an athletic goal, eat up can consider cycling through a week of high volume and one more reasonable, or one week a month low volume. need to recover to improve.

    recovery time increases significantly after mid 30s