
:noway: menopause any one out their with any ideas carn t seem to lose any weight no matter what I do its two pounds off then nothing then pound back on then nothing it's so frustrating !!!! Help


  • sherimf68
    I'm pretty much in the same boat, its very frustrating, please feel free to add me as a friend. I'm hoping making myself more accountable will help
  • jillyber
    jillyber Posts: 19 Member
    Same thing happened to me. I ate 1200 to 1300 calories net, and exercised. Nothing came off. I just kept at it and slowly but surely, the weight started to come off. It's frustrating because you don't seem to know your own body anymore! I eat the calorie allowance that MFP recommends and it will happen!
  • worzelsh
    worzelsh Posts: 1
    Hi I'm with you on that. It's week 1 for me on 1200 cals . I'm exercising so can add an extra 200- 300 on per day but it's a struggle .
    I had yoghurt and fruit for breakfast, soup and rye bread for lunch and salmon and salad for dinner . Hate not having treats though and it's only week 1 :smile:
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    I would first see a doctor ( I saw an endocrinologist who specialized in weight loss). They should check your thyroid, sugar levels etc...My sugar levels were pre-diabetic so she was able to put me on a diabetic medication which helped keep my appetitte in control. She also told me to stay at or under 1200 calories/day. It was not dangerous for me. Being insulin resistant and perimenopausal, makes it much tougher. I try and eat mostly healthy calories such as lean meats, vegetables and protein shakes. Many people are against the 1200 cals/day that but that has been the only thing that has made the scale budge. Oh...and alcohol, if you drink alot, either stop or limit it to special events, weigh, measure and log everything...and dont give up!
    If I didnt seek medical help, it would have never happened.

    Good Luck to you:)

    This is just my opinion, after reading other comments. Try at first just sticking to the calories and logging...then when you are in control begin adding exercise. Sometimes it is too much too soon, one thing at a time! This is what worked for me too.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
  • vandussa1
    vandussa1 Posts: 2 Member
    I agree... seek a doctor or nutrition specialist .. they can really help you...good luck..
  • frangrann
    frangrann Posts: 219 Member
    I hear you all. I will be 50 in 2 weeks. Hot flashes, night sweats and all.

    it used to be so easy. I started this diet 9/13 at 1200 calories. For me cutting carbs to less than 50 g jump started my weight loss and joining the gym. I work out 6 days a week and got a fitbit so I can try to hit 10000 steps a day. I am still at 1200 calories and I do not eat back my exercise calories.
    My fear is when I get to my goal, how will I maintain it……not there yet so I'll cross that bring when I come to it.

    It's hard work. Burn more than you take in and you will lose it just takes longer. Ahhh patience!

    Good luck, you can do it! Feel free to friend me if you want.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    I hear you all. I will be 50 in 2 weeks. Hot flashes, night sweats and all.

    it used to be so easy. I started this diet 9/13 at 1200 calories. For me cutting carbs to less than 50 g jump started my weight loss and joining the gym. I work out 6 days a week and got a fitbit so I can try to hit 10000 steps a day. I am still at 1200 calories and I do not eat back my exercise calories.
    My fear is when I get to my goal, how will I maintain it……not there yet so I'll cross that bring when I come to it.

    It's hard work. Burn more than you take in and you will lose it just takes longer. Ahhh patience!

    Good luck, you can do it! Feel free to friend me if you want.

    I was wondering the same am I going to maintain it? Someone suggested weighing yourself daily, this way you know when you have put on 2 Lbs, vs 5 Lbs. Also, I hope to up my caloreis a little at a time and watch carefully. If I could maintain on 1400 cals/day, that would be great.