Read everything and still confused about calorie intake?

Hi everyone. I'm new to MFP and I'm new to anything fitness related, really.

I'm female, I'm 5ft 4in, I currently weigh 10st 2lbs and I'm 20 years old. I do three thirty minute runs a week, sometimes more, but on average it's 90 minutes of cardio a week.

In my day to day life, I'm not very active (I'm a student, I sit in lectures/seminars, then when I'm off I sit and do work).

I've entered all of this into MFP and set it to lose 1lbs a week and it's telling me my net calorie intake should be 1250. This seems kinda low to me, but I don't wanna eat over incase I put weight on (something which happened lately and it was super annoying - it really knocked my confidence and now I'm terrified about doing it again).

I just don't understand this whole how many calories I should eat thing, it seems like it should be straightforward but I'm still confused. I've read all the posts about BMR and net calories but I really need someone to just take me through it as though they are coaching a small, confused child or something.

I know that people are probably sick to death of us newbies making posts like this but I just want to know if I'm using the site properly?

