47 Days left!!

:sad: I need help! I have 47 days until my beach trip and I still weigh the same! I keep flip flopping my weight, one day I'll be 138 the next 133 with the same time of day, same diet and exercise. I wanted to lose 5lbs before then but I'm not sure if that'll happen :(

I am a 20 year old female, 5'3" and 135-137 (I fluctuate).

Can someone help me formulate a diet that will help me lose fast without going into starvation?? (I'd like my metabolism intact) Or link me to a promising diet plan? I'm currently eating 1200-1400 calories on days I don't exercise and 1400-2000 while netting no more than 1400 the days I do exercise

I work out 5-6 days a week if that helps.

Please and thank you!! I need help!!


  • wideturn
    wideturn Posts: 108 Member
    Please? :(
  • 503pdx
    503pdx Posts: 31
    I would suggest maybe changing your title to get more people to read/comment. It sounds like you are on the right track. How long have you been at it? It can take your body a good month to adjust to any changes in routine you are making. When getting back into shape I typically won't see much, if any results, for a month and then suddenly drop seemingly 5lbs. My whole system is just re-adjusting.

    However, good keys to remember are water, water, water...keep your system flushed with water. It helps eliminate extra sodium or waste that could bloat you. Also eating high protein is good for managing weight, hunger and your muscles if you are working out. I'd watch simple carbs like white bread, white rice, pasta and substitute a whole grain option or eliminate for now. Eat your calories, don't go under or your body won't know what to do and can prepare for starvation mode.

    Good luck! Think about a pound a week as a good target. You have time to drop those 5lbs. Also remember muscle weighs more than fat so as you workout and gain strengthen you may not see results on the scale but you should feel them in your clothes.