my friends told me i have ghost?!?!?!



  • YesIAm17
    YesIAm17 Posts: 817 Member

    That isn't to say such supernatural, paranormal, unexplained can't or don't happen, I'm sure they do... just that this might not be that and might just be in the eye/mind of the beholder.

    Either way though even if it was something it would be nothing to freak out about right? No harm done.

    A vengeful spirit haunting her home could definitely result in harm done. Don't you watch documentaries?

    Live people can be bad enough. Live Dead ones... Get me out of there!!!

    More likely to be struck by lightning or hit by a car then be attacked by a bad ghost, spirit, demon, goblin, hobbit, or troll... best not leave the house lol.
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    I honestly thought it was going to be one of those gifs that you stare at trying to figure it out then it changes to some creepy face.
  • fit_war
    fit_war Posts: 985 Member
    Three............. :frown:


    this is the number 3

    This actually made me snort my drink out of my nose.

    Thanks for that...

    You are welcome!! Haha!
  • NatiaGonitellie
    NatiaGonitellie Posts: 355 Member
    There does appear to be two faces. One is much clearer than the other. The first and easier to see is at your right hip (left side of image) the second is left of the TV between the TV and window, somewhat overlapping the window itself kind of tilted downward.
    As far as the dog being calm. He is either listing to something behind him or is ill at ease. I would not call that a completely relaxed dog.

    This does not mean its not an optical illusion. Spots on the mirror a play of light, pattering in the wall paneling can all explain the "faces" that your camera picked up.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    ....remind your friends to stay on their meds.
  • FoxBean
    FoxBean Posts: 910 Member

    @foxbean orbs do look cool though huh? ;)

    I have the craziest photo of an orb hovering above my face, it's lighting blue..sadly the photo is on my old hard drive and do not have access to it right now.
  • cowgirlqueen
    cowgirlqueen Posts: 466 Member
    the verdict is in i asked my neighbor who owns the place and let me stay there while i was working in that area. and he said two little boys and their mother died in a car wreck right where that place is now at....:frown: he was baffled by my questioning him. so i told him about the photo and sent it to him...he called me up insisting that he sees the boy in the photo and that it is one of the little boys that died in the car wreck :frown: this sort of explains a few strange things i assumed was the "wind". the blinds by the tv went swinging side to side one night i thought it was someone trying to come in the house and grabbed my gun but when i found nothing i just assumed it was the wind.

    i would prefer to just think its my dirty mirror and dusty place :happy: so that's what im going with

    and yes the place looked horrible but i travel for work and in really rural areas there's no such thing as the Hilton :laugh: i know that's hard to imagine but believe it or not even really rural areas have cable/internet/and telephones (i'm a ground woman for a communications company that hangs cable/internet/ and telephone)
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Of course you don't have ghosts, ghosts don't exist. You have a house faery.

    This could be good or bad, but as far as the fair folk go it's the least dangerous scenario. It's been awhile, but here's what I remember:

    If you find odd jobs being done around the house, often badly may I add, and occasionally are the target of practical jokes or hear disembodied laughter; you may have a brownie. This is good, the brownie is annoying but harmless. Give him oat porridge and milk, he'll love it. If you want to get rid of him, give him clothes.

    The hobgoblin is similar to the brownie, but meaner. When sullen or angry, he will break things or fling them across rooms. Same rules apply with the porridge and clothes.

    If you find odd jobs getting done and your house being protected from intruders but bread and vodka keeps vanishing; you may have a domovoi. The domovoi is quite useful, but dangerous: if he doesn't find bread and vodka when he looks for it he'll wreck your place and leave, and if he sees another domovoi they'll have a fistfight.

    Finally, if horses in the neighbourhood are exhausted and their manes braided, you may have a farfadet. This is bad, you'll need a faery man to lure them out. Milk can appease them temporarily.

    Hope this helps.
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
  • kytte
    kytte Posts: 323 Member
    i posted this photo and i'm now having an argument with some friends. they say they see a child ghost (a boy) on the left side of the photo standing next to me. they claim to see eyes nose mouth ears pretty much a hole head/face. i say no, i don't see it.... im convinced their just trying to freak me out...:grumble:

    so would you agree with me that no this ghost is not there

    or with my friends that yes it's their?



    Ghosts are nothing but processed sugar. Get rid of it now.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Awww how cute...yes I see it now. His little face is right next to her ruffle on her dress. It's the two eyes, the nose and the mouth of a toddler. It was hard for me to see before because of how dirty my laptop is but it's a boy and he's cute. I'm wondering now if the dog is calm because the boy was it's previous owner. Which would also explains the boy's presence.

    i see it too, even the ear and overall face shape. definitely a boy under 6.
  • kytte
    kytte Posts: 323 Member
    the verdict is in i asked my neighbor who owns the place and let me stay there while i was working in that area. and he said two little boys and their mother died in a car wreck right where that place is now at....:frown: he was baffled by my questioning him. so i told him about the photo and sent it to him...he called me up insisting that he sees the boy in the photo and that it is one of the little boys that died in the car wreck :frown: this sort of explains a few strange things i assumed was the "wind". the blinds by the tv went swinging side to side one night i thought it was someone trying to come in the house and grabbed my gun but when i found nothing i just assumed it was the wind.

    i would prefer to just think its my dirty mirror and dusty place :happy: so that's what im going with

    and yes the place looked horrible but i travel for work and in really rural areas there's no such thing as the Hilton :laugh: i know that's hard to imagine but believe it or not even really rural areas have cable/internet/and telephones (i'm a ground woman for a communications company that hangs cable/internet/ and telephone)

    damn kids are always playing with the blinds! who knew they still do it in the afterlife...
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    pretty sure if ghosts existed your dog would be flipping out.

    I agree with sentaruu. just get some windex.


    Dog wouldn't be so relaxed if there really was an entity of some sort in the room. Your mirror is just dirty.
  • cowgirlqueen
    cowgirlqueen Posts: 466 Member
    my dog is just lazy :laugh:

    he don't even get up for bacon or hamburger :bigsmile:
  • mrhonesty
    mrhonesty Posts: 274 Member
    All I saw was a pair of beautiful eyes..........on the ghost but yours are nice as well!!! :laugh:
  • cowgirlqueen
    cowgirlqueen Posts: 466 Member
    All I saw was a pair of beautiful eyes..........on the ghost but yours are nice as well!!! :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh:

    awww....... shucks.... thanks sweetheart :blushing:
  • Monkey_Business
    Monkey_Business Posts: 1,800 Member
    I think if they are the ones seeing the ghost, its their dang problem. Just tell them your welcome and that you are willing to share the ghost again anytime they want.
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    1) I see nothing.
    2) The human brain is wired to recognize faces in pretty much everything so ... no. There's no solid evidence for a ghost.

    I was worried this was going to be a 'THERE ARE ORBS IN MY PHOTO, IT'S A GHOST!" post. xD
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    pretty sure if ghosts existed your dog would be flipping out.

    I agree with sentaruu. just get some windex.

    depends on the spirit...not to be creepy, but my dog has accepted the fact that my fiance's grandma chills in the living room. My dog has also accepted the fact that there's crazy bad energy in the spare room (the original owner molested his children in that room). The little boy might not be there for harmful reasons, he might be her spirit guide, or trying to figure something out on his own. OP if you're that worried, get someone to cleanse the energy in that space ( I do reiki and have been working on my spare bedroom, it's taking more than once session). Or else just accept the fact that he's there if you believe he is, and carry on your way.