


  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    Here is my suggestion. Invest in a good blender, like a vitamix or ninja, and do what everyone else has said, and make your smoothies yourself. There are tons of how-to for making smoothies ahead of time so the prep work is easy. We freeze all natural yogurt (less protein, but also less expensive than greek yogurt) in muffin tins = 1/2 cup. Take quart size bags, toss in 1-2 frozen "cubes" of yogurt, frozen fruit, some kale, broccoli or spinach, quinoa (cooked) or steel cut oatmeal (uncooked). Assemble 10 of these bags at once, label the bags with the calorie count, the fruit & other combos you use, and throw in the freezer. To make smoothie, grab a bag out of the freezer, dump in some lowfat milk/coconut water/juice (your preference) and blend. Super easy, and fills you up. I also throw my in a to-go cup, top with some multi-grain cheerios, and drink/eat on the way to work. I may eat a small snack, but for the most part I am good to go until lunch. If you are really concerned about protein, then add some protein powder, but I would save that until you are doing intensive muscle building workouts and use the powder as part of your recovery drink (I add some do my chocolate milk).
    From my experience, these shakes are not worth the money. Besides, your body is better able to absorb nutrients from naturally occurring foods, like the fruits and vegetables you can add to your smoothie

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    I guess I'm one of those "eat real food" people. Over the years I've spent so much money on products like this, and even if they taste good, or help us drop some weight, using their products just isn't a sustainable process, and they usually have an ingredient list goes to the moon and back with stuff we really don't need to be consuming on a regular basis. I have a personal rule now to never again throw money away on diet industry products. I invested in a powerful blender, always keep greens like spinach and kale in the fridge (along with many other veggies), always have bags of frozen fruit in the freezer, and for fat and protein, always have nuts and yogurt on hand. There is just no end to the yummy, filling, easy to make, super healthy concoctions you can create. Making our own meals and smoothies is something that is sustainable.

    Much luck to you on whatever you decide to do. ☺