what should my activity level be?

Basically here is my schedule. Sundays I work as a server for 7 hours, so I'm on my feet walking around. Monday I have class where I'm sitting most of the day. Tuesdays and Wednesday I'm at the hospital for 8 hours doing my clinical for nursing school, so again I'm on feet running around for most of the time. Thursday I'm home and usually just hang out not doing much except 1-2 hours of cleaning. Friday is another relax day. Saturday I work again so am on my feet for about 8 hours.
I originally set my activity level to active and got a calorie goal of 1750. I usually met my goal but didn't eat back exercise calories I added ( I'm doing T25)and lost about a pound a week. I felt like I wasn't seeing much progress. So I changed my settings to lightly active and got a calorie goal of 1450. I am still doing t25 and usually ending up eating back my exercise calories because I am starving. At this rate I'm losing a little more then a pound a week. My question is I guess is whether I really should have changed my activity level? Does it seem like I fit the definition of active? I don't want to include my exercise into my activity settings because I prefer to just add it when I do it.
Edit: I should probably include I'm 5'7 female age 21 @ 169.6 lbs