Am I eating too much protein?



  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Once again, science flies right over his head.
    Haha. Learn more.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Once again, science flies right over his head.
    Haha. Learn more.

    I'll say the same to you :) haha

    I built 0 muscle while I was cutting. Started to build when I took on a calorie surplus :)
    But you weren't eating a high fruit diet.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Once again, science flies right over his head.
    Haha. Learn more.

    I'll say the same to you :) haha

    I built 0 muscle while I was cutting. Started to build when I took on a calorie surplus :)
    But you weren't eating a high fruit diet.

    It doesn't matter what you are eating. If you eat less than your body is burning off, then you do not build muscle. Muscle building is not as important as your organs functioning.
    I know how it sounds. I have been there. I didn't believe it at first, until i tried it. Your body functions SO much better on a high carbohydrate diet. Every muscle i workout, i find growth in. My belly fat is disappearing simultaneously.
    People who eat this way often report faster recovery after workouts. My body can build muscle in a day, and the next day, i can burn fat on a long bike ride. They don't happen on the same days.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Once again, science flies right over his head.
    Haha. Learn more.

    I'll say the same to you :) haha

    I built 0 muscle while I was cutting. Started to build when I took on a calorie surplus :)
    But you weren't eating a high fruit diet.

    It doesn't matter what you are eating. If you eat less than your body is burning off, then you do not build muscle. Muscle building is not as important as your organs functioning.
    I know how it sounds. I have been there. I didn't believe it at first, until i tried it. Your body functions SO much better on a high carbohydrate diet. Every muscle i workout, i find growth in. My belly fat is disappearing simultaneously.
    People who eat this way often report faster recovery after workouts. My body can build muscle in a day, and the next day, i can burn fat on a long bike ride. They don't happen on the same days.

    Nah my man, you might be more DEFINED because you've lost fat, but it is physically IMPOSSIBLE to gain muscle with a calorie deficit. It's unfortunate that you believe otherwise because I guess you will never make real muscle gains like you want. Sad.
    I just told you: I don't have a calorie deficit all the time!
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    One word of caution: there are two blood tests that are commonly used in annual physicals/ routine blood draws that use protein as a gauge for some type of ailment. High protein consumption will make it LOOK like you have some type of issue, when there is nothing wrong. I wish I could remember what they were, but I forgot.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    As long as you don't eat a 80% carb diet you should be good
    Many people actually eat an 80% carb diet. If they make sure to get it from fresh produce, they stay pretty healthy.
    I eat about 70-85% of my calories from carbohydrates, and i am still alive, losing weight, gaining muscle, and improving fitness.
    You hide that muscle gain really well.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Even if you are in surplus one day and deficit the other, it's impossible to build muscle with your 80% carb diet, the carbs will just be used to fuel your workouts.
    That's what conventional wisdom would tell us, but it doesn't turn out to be true.

    There was a time when everybody KNEW the world was flat.
  • LoseYouself
    LoseYouself Posts: 249 Member
    As long as you don't eat a 80% carb diet you should be good
    Many people actually eat an 80% carb diet. If they make sure to get it from fresh produce, they stay pretty healthy.
    I eat about 70-85% of my calories from carbohydrates, and i am still alive, losing weight, gaining muscle, and improving fitness.
    You hide that muscle gain really well.

  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    As long as you don't eat a 80% carb diet you should be good
    Many people actually eat an 80% carb diet. If they make sure to get it from fresh produce, they stay pretty healthy.
    I eat about 70-85% of my calories from carbohydrates, and i am still alive, losing weight, gaining muscle, and improving fitness.
    You hide that muscle gain really well.

    So you can tell my muscle gain from a single picture, taken 2 years ago?
  • heavenridge
    heavenridge Posts: 13 Member
    Maybe he has good genetics and can build muscle while burning fat. it's not impossible
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    With regards to the original poster- it is totally possible to eat too much protein- especially if you have kidney problems - most people will not have an issue with excess protein consumption but if you are on a really high protein low everything else diet you can build up too many ketones which themselves can be harmful to your kidneys and are especially harmful if you have kidney problems

    United States. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Nutrition for Everyone: Protein." Oct. 4, 2012. <>.


    Nah my man, you might be more DEFINED because you've lost fat, but it is physically IMPOSSIBLE to gain muscle with a calorie deficit. It's unfortunate that you believe otherwise because I guess you will never make real muscle gains like you want. Sad.

    Well partially this but actually there is quite a bit of scientific research that shows you can build muscle while losing weight because:

    Your body does not simply get fuel from what you eat but also the stores of energy you have (FAT)
    if you have a large supply of energy stored in the form of fat AND you are doing things which require your body to have more muscle (like intensive heavy lifting, building a dam out of rocks, or any other muscle intense activity) your body will build muscle but
    this increase in muscle is usually limited and usually only occurs in persons who are pretty weak/ were sedentary- it is essentially obligatory muscle and also the weight loss is usually slower but in the end you are building muscle and losing fat and that is what is important

    I would love to cite a reference for this but I cannot find one specific reference or a scientific source, just articles which are science-y sounding but not the studies, I think there might have been some specific studies cited in "the first 20 minutes" but since I don't have my copy here at the office it is a bit difficult to dig through it

    this may be one of the studies...
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Maybe he has good genetics and can build muscle while burning fat. it's not impossible

    It has nothing to do with genetics, it has to do with energy expenditure.
    When i ride my bike for 4-5 hours straight, only stopping to eat fruit, stretch legs, and chug water, i expend massive amounts of energy. That's when i'm dipping into the fat stores. Fat is very easily utilized in the presence of carbohydrates.

    When i get back from a long ride, (or runs, but i only run for about 20-30 mins at a time) i eat tons of food, and i usually sleep really well. Muscles are recovered and built up at this time.

    They don't happen at the same hour, but they happen within the same week.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    As long as you don't eat a 80% carb diet you should be good
    Many people actually eat an 80% carb diet. If they make sure to get it from fresh produce, they stay pretty healthy.
    I eat about 70-85% of my calories from carbohydrates, and i am still alive, losing weight, gaining muscle, and improving fitness.
    You hide that muscle gain really well.
    So you can tell my muscle gain from a single picture, taken 2 years ago?

    Was this before or after you lost 75 lbs in 4 months and gained all that muscle?
  • Charlottesometimes23
    Charlottesometimes23 Posts: 687 Member
    OP, it would be an issue if you had kidney disease, which can be 'silent' until the advanced stages. Fortunately, it's rare in people under 60.