advice about weigh-ins please

pen282 Posts: 168 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey, I'm hoping someone can offer words of advice!

Since joining here, I have noticed by body is becoming slimmer and clothes are more baggy - which is great don't get me wrong (I only wish I had measured myself from the beginning)..

However, I am hardly losing weight it seems :(

I read peoples weight loss on here I am very happy and proud for them, as it takes a lot of work! i just wish I saw the same results...
Due to this, I have only been officially weighing myself (I jump on the scales most times I visit the gym, but I dont trust them, so I use the scales you pay for) using the paying ones about 1 a month.. this way I guess I don't feel quite so disheartened when they don't move.

I know weight isn't everything, but when you are trying to lose weight and its not happening, I cant help but feel a little down :(

My question is, how often do you weigh-in?
Is it wrong for me to just take my weight about once a month and update on this site then?
Should update on here weekly?

Any advice would be much appreciate!


  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    First off, you’re not trying to lose weight; you are trying to lose "FAT". Big difference there.

    When you start out, you have more fat "Mass" and less muscle "Mass" as a rule. As you start to work out, you will develop more muscle mass which starts to replace fat mass. Since the same volume of muscle weighs a lot more than fat, you will actually gain weight as it is being replace.

    Most people lose weight when they weight them self, but it can be from a lot of things other than just fat loss.

    As long as the inches are getting smaller, you are losing fat. Over time you will max out your muscle mass from the exercises and will notice more pounds reducing on the scale.

    Just hang in there.
  • It's really all a question of what works for you and keeps you most motivated. I know people on here who weigh in every day. I used to be like that and found I got disheartened when I went up and down, or didn't go down by much so I now weigh in once a week and find that this works well.

    I, personally, think it's better than every month or so because I like to keep an eye on what my body is doing, so if I plateau I can shake things up, I know if I need to up my exercise or, like the last few weeks, I've not lost much and found it was down to something I was eating being worse than I thought it was. I like to keep a record - but that's just me. Look at what works for you, what you want to do, there's no should about it xox
  • Do NOT...I repeat Do NOT worry about the weight lose, if you see a difference in your clothes than you are suceeding. It is never to late to start taking your measurements if that is where you are seeing the difference.

    I was walking 6 miles a day (appx 1.45 hours) five to six times a week for around three months. I didn't see one pound come off and I was getting so discouraged. My clothes were also getting bigger and I had to buy a new belt but that is not what I wanted to see. My best friend woudl not let me give up. Then one day I got on the scale and somewhere in a week and a fw days I drpped sixteen pound all at once. It felt amazing and I was glad I hadn't given up.

    Even now, I am very active, I do kickboxing, bootcamp, walk, etc and again in the last three months I have only seen a very small weight lose, but the other day I pulled on a pair of Jeans out of the dryer that usually I would've layed on the bed to get on and they went right on with no problem!!!

    Keep your head up and just keep moving forward, eventually the scale will catch up with the rest of it.

    And remember, if you are working out you are building muscle, which they say weighs more than fat!

    Good Luck!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I agree with everyone else. It depends on you. But the important thing is to not give up. If your clothes are loose then you are losing fat. I weigh in once a month because I can't stand seeing my weight fluctuate even weekly. I stay on track and I have noticed my body is transforming. People are noticing and my clothes are getting loose. That is enough to keep me motivated.
  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member
    I want to say a HUGE thanks to everyone who replied - you all made me see sense :) I must have been havin a blip!!

    You are all totally right, I will start to look at success in terms of inches / fat loss / baggier clothes instead of the damn numbr on the scales!!
    I can see I am gaining muscle thanks to working out 4 times a week, and like you said Amarillo_NDN - it is fat loss I am really interested in, and there is a diff between weight and fat - I know which id rather lose!!

    thanks again everyone - I really appreciate it!

  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I weigh daily and am used to the daily/weekly/monthly fluctuations. I couldnt wait a month, no way! But we are all different :happy:

    Of course we want to see the scales drop, and eventually they will, but while you are losing inches, its working REALLY WELL!!

    Please measure!! The scales are the devil! :laugh:

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member
    Haha I keep a rough eye week by week - bt at the moment once a month 'official' weigh in is working for me :)

    Thank you, I must admit, it it nice seeing my body slowly but surely getting more like how I want it to be!! While on the topic of measuring, where do you reckon are the best places to measure and how do you make sure you measure the same point each time?!

    They are indeed, damn those scales!
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I just measure the widest points of breasts, hips, thighs, calves. And the smallest part of my waist.

    I also have goal jeans/dresses that I try on once every 2 weeks.

    You will definitely notice the difference. Try not to obsess over numbers. As you say just so nice to see/feel your body taking shape :bigsmile:
  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member
    I think I may have to give masuring a try then! hehe it is nice isn't it - its good to know the hard work is payin off!:happy:
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