Man, I wish I hadn't done that...

So I have lost almost 50 lbs and have at least 10 to go. I started MFP back at the end of May with some podcasting show hosts of mine. About a year before I threw away most of my clothes I stopped fitting in long ago figuring getting bigger was a by product of getting older, rather than being a lazy video gamer.

Starting back at the beginning, I was sad cause I had gone to Sicily two summers ago and came back weighting 205 lbs (which I felt I was out of shape just a little) and with in six months of returning the buttons started busting off all my shorts. Rather than doing something about it, I just bought bigger clothes. Then a short time later I bought bigger clothes. In fact I bought clothes slightly bigger than I needed them figuring I could, "grow into them." The last time I bought clothes with that idea in mind was February when I was finishing my Masters Degree and thought I should have some clothes that look nice so when I go for a job interview looking for a teaching position I looked good. At the time I was approaching 245 lbs. I hated the heat cause my legs would rub together and cause a lot of pain, making me want to be active even less. I am a guy, I don't hold onto old clothes thinking... "some day, I'll be that size again!" I just pitched them. I held on to a select few shirts having to do with my favorite video game (World of Warcraft) as keepsakes.

I moved out of my parents house (where I stayed for 8 months to finish my Masters Thesis) and struck out on my own. Moving out of my parents place and into my own apartment. In May, as a challenge, the other two co-host of the show I do each week started doing MFP and I figured for kicks I would hop in on the whole bit and we would try to get our listeners to join us. Well, 5 months later I have lost about 50 lbs and I have been going to the gym at least three times a week. I have gone from fat lazy gamer to the skinniest and built I have been in years. I still have no teaching job, but I feel great so for now that trade off is good for me. In other words, according from the BMI I was Obese to just above Healthy right now.

Thanks MFP!


  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    First, congratulations on your success. I held on to all my old clothes and I'm glad I did because I have been able to go clothes shopping in my closet. It's funny, but now that many of my old clothes finally fit, I decided I don't like them anymore and have given them away. So, clothes I've held on to for about ten years are just now going out the door because I can wear them.
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Yeah I know what you mean... I have clothes from a year ago that I am starting to fit back into now, but after I get down below those sizes... i dont have anything to wear.... all the clothes I have now are X sizes.... at my correct weight I am a medium-large. Wish I still had my clothes from about 7 years ago cause I will need them soon. Well when I go back in the army they will give me new clothes, at least uniforms. The thing is I dont want to by the in-between sizes cause I know i wont be in them too long. I can probably get away with wearing the XL shirts until I get down to med, but I will deffinately have to buy new pants/shorts.
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