Any Low carb meal plans?

i need help finding a good low to no carb meal plan but i am on a tight budget can anyone help??much appreciated thank you!


  • DerROK
    DerROK Posts: 14 Member
    Aitkens done sensibly, South Beach Diet and Dukan Diet all fit that bill: though personally I like to start my day with a bowl of porridge made with skimmed milk and a couple of boiled eggs ^^ (I go protein and leafy greens which contain some carbs after that, but if I feel lethargic and every Sunday I have an additional good carb meal in the evening and good carbs in my post workout shake like blueberries or banana).

    A good advanced book is Will Brink's Body 'Building Revealed', has a good section on low GI/High Fibre Carbs and I would suggest reading it before deciding to use a 'no carb' strategy for your Nutrition Plan, regardless of what your actual goals are (fat loss/muscle gain/faster 15k runs etc).

    Will Brink also has a book called 'Fat Loss Revealed': the science of the nutrition behind both are excellent sources of knowledge to make informed decisions about Nutrition.
  • LDBianca
    LDBianca Posts: 28 Member
    Hey there!!

    This is the meal plan I follow and it gets results! The important thing to remember is eat your carbs in the morning and only protein and veggies in the evening. If that is too much to handle then just follow the Protein/Carbs/Fat set up. More Protein than Carbs and more Carbs than Fat.

    If the 6 meals are too many and time consuming then follow the 3x3, 5x9 set up. That's 3 meals by 3:00pm and 5 meals by 9:00pm.

    If you do this meal plan for 2 weeks it will become habit! You can do anything for two weeks!

    Good luck and remember to drink lots of water!

    Meal Plan:

    Meal One: Starchy Carbs & Protein

    Meal Two: Starchy Carbs & Protein

    Meal Three: Starchy Carb & Protein & Fibrous Carbs

    Meal Four: Protein & Fibrous Carbs

    Meal Five: Protein & Fibrous Carbs

    Meal Six (right before bedtime): Protein

    Meals should be 2 1/2 to 3 hours apart
    Starchy Carbs:
    -1/2 cup oatmeal
    -1/2 cup sweet potato
    -1/2cup red potato
    -1 small low-carb tortilla wrap
    -1/2 cup cooked rice (white or brown)
    -1/2 cup cooked lentils
    -1/2 cup beans
    -1 banana
    -1 cup strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries
    -1/2 cup cooked quinoa

    Fibrous Carbs:
    -1 or 2 cup(s) leafy greens
    -1 cup vegetables (green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, celery, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, zucchini, etc....)

    -4-6 ounces of chicken, turkey, fish, shrimp, lean mince beef, lean red meat (no fatty meat so use bacon seldom) cook meat in 1 tablespoon Olive Oil
    -4-6 ounces tuna packed in water
    -2 teaspoons organic peanut butter
    -1 scoop Whey Protein mixed with water (not milk! I know it sucks, but try blending it with ice and adding a spoonful of peanut butter)
    -1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese
    - 6 egg whites (or 5 egg whites and 1 full egg)

  • sarahcav123
    sarahcav123 Posts: 128 Member
    Options does a 12 week meal plan and its high protein low carb. She also provides a vegetarian/vegan version for those who require it.

    Hope this helps.